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My Amethyst Changes Colour! How My Amethysts acts Crazy!Why Amethyst Goes White?

Semi precious Amethyst  stone finger ring in silver
Why my Amethyst acts crazy! My Amethysts turns White! why? strange but true and happens so many times, has it to do with my body energy or environment but it sometimes acts crazy! It has also gone seriously dark around negative energies, yes, i felt it! then also health, and my body energy, it loves me so much it reacts as if souls are connected!
Amethyst natural stone necklace
 Being a true Aquarian, my birthstone, Amethyst, I usually avoided this stone, I have a small precious necklace set, and somehow I felt energy drained and wear it sparingly. Even though it is made in sterling silver, and this one I picked up from road side from an antique stone seller, and this has been a wonder in my life.
I don't know how much protection it gives me, but it sure acts crazy and is quiet entertaining for me at times.  As I look at it sometimes it looks absolutely white, and I actually wondered whether I was bluffed by the antique seller. Yes,  I do spend less amounts, if I connect and love anything I buy it,  when there is no authenticity certificate for the gemstone jewelry better to bargain and  pay less.
Sparkling Amethyst 
At times of stress it is so soothing and shiny, the Amethysts has become my best  friend since then, with me since past many years by. 
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As I begin to wear it it goes transparent! maybe as it is stored in dark, cooler box. It just looks like glass! No one will recognize the little one as Amethysts stone!
In sunlight it sparkles a deep purple, violet, very mesmerizing and attractive beauty.
I tried the ring finger and it fits well here, in fact the fire finger is best to wear this Amethyst stone as also the middle finger. Did I mention , yes, gemstones and birthstones also love certain fingers, try it and you will see! So all my knowledge goes quiet when a stone communicates!
The stone is relaxing and soothing balm to me stressed nerves and calms my mind. Amethyst is great as meditation stone and also said that healers wear it close to heart. I usually avoid wearing any stone close to my heart, it is just my personal preference, I am crazy for Gemstone studded finger rings!all coloured stones attract me, and I have recently added a very light blue stone finger ring, from my trip to Jaipur Ajmer. I have a dark blue crystal sparkle ring and also a blue ultra marine stone ring. Experiencing the different benefits of light blue stone!
I have seen, the more love you give them ,  your gemstones, the more they return back, manifolds!
Do like share your experiences with this beautiful lilac purple gemstone Amethyst! I am not a gemstone seller or professional in this field, I am just a middle class simple lady and I love them!

Hope this post has been of value to you, thanks for reading and your time! do share your experiences and if you have any doubts comment! its worth it!

Much Love Light Peace Joy from Rizwana!

I do not sell gemstones this is my love and passion. I am a symbolist painter, healing artist since year 2000 selling original art to spread health wealth and Joy with world through my Reiki symbol healing paintings!  Reiki paintings for Protection from evil eye and abundance

 Read more on Obsessed Over Stones-

All Photographs and Content are My Original Copyright Reserved © 2018 Rizwana A.Mundewadi