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Unique Tortoise Shaped Finger Ring How to wear Turtle shaped Finger Ring and its Symbolism

Tortoise shaped finger rings are seen adorning the beautiful fingers lately in many types of colored stones and metals. With animals coming in as latest trends and many celebrities wearing animal prints in fashion wear the jewelry section too  boasts of some animal shapes. Tortoise, turtle the symbol for goodluck and prosperity in feng shui has become so loved that people, men are wearing metal and gemstone finger rings of turtles for attracting luck.
The shape of the turtle represents the earth and the heaven. The hard  shell shape of heaven and the lower part of earth. As the turtle loves it represents the movement in the universe the heavens and the earth. There are immense symbolic history of the turtle and over the years they have become symbols of longetivity and wisdom.
The turtle symbolizes wealth coming in gradually and persistently. Longetivity and  protection. With the story of the hare and the tortoise and the intelligent tortoise winning by its slow persistent hard efforts the turtle has come to be known as a good luck symbol and a prosperity icon. Wearing a turtle shaped jewellery for water lovers it is a symbol bringing them close to their passion for water life.
In feng shui the tortoise with its many eye shaped hexagonal shapes and hard shell represents strength and adjustment to all situations.  Not only do people display turtles it the entrance but now they have begun to wear them.
Tortoise shaped finger ring
Gemstone turtles look very pretty and cool and sure are a matter of discussion and attention among any group. You surely can’t miss a large sized pink rose quartz or a green jade turtle on a finger. Even to greater fashion heights another one with lovely colored gemstones can look more attractive and unique. Pearls, silver, gold and different metals the turtle shape jewelery  comes in many forms be it finger rings, pendants , earrings or even exclusive neck pieces.
While wearing turtles and tortoise shaped jewelry, especially finger ring one must keep in mind some of the energy and symbolic aspects of the shape of turtle. As the tortoise is in fact a very slow animal we do not want wealth to gradually wane away from our lives, which may happen when worn coming towards the body.  When wearing the finger rings the tortoise should be worn moving away from the body.
A turtle sculpture or artifact of soil or acrylic or stone must be placed in the north east , centre or south west and a metal tortoise is vet in the north and north west. A family turtle is a great symbol to attract love and harmony in family.  Crystals and gemstone turtles can be placed in the  south west and wood ones can be placed in the east.
Finger rings are the best symbols of completion and most powerful symbols in the universe. The whole circle represents immense powers and in itself the ring is a symbolic representation of good luck and strength.  Develops intuitive qualities and good for businesses and creative people. 
All the Best, Have a Great Day!


  1. Which finger shall I wear tortoise ring?

  2. Hello Deepti, check out this post for choosing which finger to wear rings.
    Hope this helps, All the Best from Rizwana!


    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Hello Anonymous, Welcome to Obsessed Over Stones! Gifting a ring is symbolic of friendship. A Tortoise shaped ring symbolizes good luck and the person has gifted you for the same.
    Hope this helps! As for wearing this it is upto you personally, your relationship with the person, how well you trust the person. Maybe you can wear for a few days and see how the energy works for you and how your days go.
    God Bless from Rizwana!

  5. hello Rizwana ji .... i hv seen many of my relatives have started wearing silver tortoise rings and their lives have changed within 4.. months economically as well health wise also .... on asking them they say that they r wearing the ring just for a hobby ...r they talking truth ..?
    what r the effects of wearing a Tortoise finger ring ... and in which finger should we wear it ..... does it has any adverse effects ...? pls reply

  6. Hello Sachin Welcome to Obsessed Over Stones! If you see their lives have changed then it has! People very often do not indulge such information due to fear of evil eye and bad luck coming towards them. In feng shui tortoise is a great symbol for good luck, as tortoise lives for many hundreds of years, and attracts wealth and good luck. No side effects, but wear it only if you are comfortable with this! All the Best from Rizwana!

  7. While wearing the ring where should the face of the tortoise should be? little confuse.

    1. Rajesh welcome to obsessed over stones! The face of the tortoise is away from the body.
      All the Best from Rizwana!

    2. Thanks For your reply , Many people i saw they are wearing coming towards the body,i ask also them they told i should wear like that only, so got confuse .

    3. Rajesh don't get confused the benefits all depend upon your intentions a lot.Follow your heart! I will answer this in detail in another blog post soon, I have my reasons! All the Best from Rizwana!

    4. Hi Rizwana , today i have purchase the ring from one of my staff she is wearing the ring in index finger facing towards body but after reading ur's site and all question and answers of the user i am waring it moving away from body but still mind is confuse i have belive in you but pls reply what is truth

  8. Which direction should be the face of the tortoise? Is there some particular day to wear it? And also the time... Is it ok to wear it on menstural cycle?

    1. Hello Anonymous welcome to obsessed over stones! The face of the tortoise moves away from the body.I actually would not advice to begin to wear this on Saturday. The other days are fine, no scientific base for this.
      Yes you can wear it during any time, and the symbolism or energy is not affected, in fact in Reiki healing our teacher advised that a women menstruating is directly connected with universe and her prayers are strongest then .
      Hope this helps! All the Best from Rizwana!

    2. Hi Rizwana,

      Sorry to bother with the same question again and again, but i am also confused like Rajesh.

      many people including the jeweler has told me to wear it facing inside.

      where should it face, should it face inside or going outside.

      also, let me know the correct finger to wear it.

      Please give the reason as well if you know.

      Please help.


  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. hi, plz suggest me can I wear turtle pendant in silver,if possible to explain what face and direction, should I take care once I asked to make silver pendant (locket)

  10. Saurabh if you have been advised by the jeweler then go ahead, All the Best from Rizwana!

  11. Hello Rizwana,
    I am too confused, which direction face should be kept of tortoise ring. My partner has gifted me and she worn in middle finger with inner direction of body. As far as my knowledge ring should be wear in Mercury finger because its silver metal and silver keeps calm as well as mercury finger define prosperity in business so there is no doubt to wear the ring in mercury finger but still confusion of direction.. Pls guide.

    Mohan reddy

    1. Hi The head of the turtle should be towards the fingernail.

    2. Hello Mohan, not there is no need to get confused.Wearing a turtle ring is symbolic and one must always follow your heart. The middle finger is symbolic of personal self growth.
      Yes true the mercury finger is important.

  12. Anonymous each one thinking and telling differently about wearing the turtle finger ring You go with what you find comfortable, wearing it towards the finger nail!
    All the Best from Rizwana!

  13. Hello rizwana I'm wearing one tortoise ring on my pointing finger n d turtle is facing towards my body..coz my friend said n many people r wearing d same way. question is wen we keep tortoise at
    Home or office we keep it facing inside likewise y not it facing towards our body...can u explain d difference

  14. Anonymous, feng shui is all about going with the flow, and I never advise to keep turtle at home facing inside I always advise to use it for protection! Place turtle facing towards the main door fro protection. People are so confused with feng shui wealth cures and good luck cures, they hardly understand the symbolism.
    Turtle lives a hundred years but is slow, very slow, do you want your wealth to come so slow? And wearing this way will drain your personal energy and make one feel weak.
    People get confused with feng shui cures. and this you will not find anywhere. I will share another post on this in detail on how to choose a tortoise ring soon! Turtles are used as protection symbols and thus attract great long life for the wearer.
    at least this is my opinion. you can go along with what you are comfortable with, All the Best from Rizwana!

  15. which metals tortoise ring wear by men

  16. Hello Anonymous, Welcome to Obsessed Over Stones! It all depends upon which metal you are comfortable with. Though there are some gemstones that go well with some metals only, platinum and gold.

  17. hi i am alisha. I wanted to know what changes will be there after wearing this ring . can you explain becoz i will purchase for every one at home for success.

  18. Hello Alisha! Welcome to Obsessed Over Stones! There is a symbolic meaning behind wearing this for protection and good luck. Turtles are great symbols in feng shui for good luck. Though before buying for everyone in your family do take into consideration each ones likes as not all are comfortable with wearing such finger rings.
    The whole process involves positive intentions from the wearer also to give out results. And always remember there is no replacement to hard sincere effort, for everything else there is feng shui!
    Hope this helps you Alisha, All the Best from Rizwana!

  19. Which finger shall I wear tortoise ring?

    1. Abhijeet, usually the avoid wearing in ring finger and little finger.

    2. Rizwana Ji some people Say to me that we should wear tortoise rinf after see janm rashi and panchang

    3. Abhijeet that is your personal choice, I wear and chose any stones that attract me! and usually they connect fine. Its totally your own preferences.

  20. Hello, on which finger should in wear I mean many people told me to wear on fore finger (for girls) so please do suggest ... Thank you

    1. Yes Anonymous fore finger would be great! for girls always avoid wearing tortoise shape in ring finger.
      All the Best from Rizwana!

  21. Hi rizwana, my name is Shravani, I have purchased silver tortoise ring yesterday ,& as I read above comments I prefer to wear in my fore finger, but already I have yellow saffire in gold in my fore finger of right is it ok to wear in left hand fore finger..and also tell where should the tortoise be faced..towards our body or facing towards nail..bcz all people I have met say that face of tortoise shud b towards our body....plz reply asap..thankyou

  22. Hello Shravani Welcome to Obsessed Over Stones. Actually I would say you can wear in any finger as the intentions put up by you are more important for this to work in your favour. Knowledge and feng shui says left hand is the givers hand, energy goes away from you.
    Yellow sapphire is a great stone if it is working for you.
    You can wear silver tortoise facing towards your body, I think little finger will do for your case, but wear it in right hand only. Hope this helps you Shravani! All the Best from Rizwana!

  23. Hi
    I'm Anamika. I've been wearing a gold plated turtle ring on the ring finger of my right hand, facing towards the body. After reading the discussion, I've changed the direction of the ring. However, the ring won't fit in any other finger except the ring finger. Please advice n what needs to be done as I'm unable to prosper in life and save money.


  24. Hello Anamika, Welcome to Obsessed Over Stones! Always go with the flow. Check out your home sector south east, this is the wealth area which is not organized and this is affecting your wealth.Clean clutter and organize , put symbols of wealth, two green plants in containers.
    Personally I feel tortoise finger ring is not for you, if you have not seen any changes so far why not keep this in the left side of your living room facing main door, this will work!
    Hope this helps you Anamika, God Bless from Rizwana!

  25. hi rizwana,
    Ive been wearing the silver turtle ring since few days on the fore finger of my right hand with the head facing towards the body. I ve had health upset within 2 days and somebody stole my son cycle. has these changes got something to do with the ring itself or its direction i wore in or else would it be a co-incidence. kindly advice as to i should continue wearing or not.

  26. Hello Anonymous, sad that this happened..Stones and finger rings often communicate in strange ways usually within three days.
    Wearing directions for tortoise rings have differing opinions, I personally would advice to wear simple tortoise ring away from body as it affects slow energy coming to you and affects health. Gemstone ring for is worn facing coming towards body. Go with your personal feelings, always, If you feel then change the direction and see.
    Wash the turtle ring with rock salt and soapy solution , cleanse well dry off, burn some incense and put intentions for attracting your wish.
    Then wear it on a Monday and see in next few days, am sure it will help, but if again something is not proper or you are uncomfortable remove it, its not for you.
    You check out east and south of your home, here is the energy lack!
    Hope this helps God Bless from Rizwana!

  27. hi madam

    i m wearing silver tortoise ring in my index finger on this Sunday.
    i dnt have much knowledge about in which direction it should wear and i just start wearing it because someone told me that it will bring good luck in life... so please provide me proper guidance and direction to keep tortoise face while wearing.

    1. Hello Anonymous its great that you are wearing silver ring, this metal is good for you. Wear with positive intentions and see what changes come, if it feels great then continue, All the Best from Rizwana!

    2. thanks for replying madam.... but in which direction tortoise face should be. i.e towards body or towards nail side? p;ease provide gidence

  28. Hello Rizwana ji,
    I am wearing the Panchdhatu tortoise ring in my right hand middle finger tortoise pointing towers the nail from last Saturday. I am having the issue with completing my work regarding to career. I got so much obstacles in my work to do. so will this ring be helpful in my purpose. I also wonted to ask you that should i have to wear this ring the whole day or should have to remove during bath.
    Please guide
    Thanks & Regards

  29. Sanket wear the ring with positive intentions, and activate the northwest sector with birds images and seven rod wind chime, to attract good mentors and helpful friends in your life.
    You can remove this, the purpose is to wear it close to your body so that you remember the focus/goal of work in life. Hope this helps! All the Best from Rizwana!

    1. Thank you,
      I will try my best for this. But my last question is still there..
      should i have to wear this ring the whole day or should have to remove some time.

      Thank you for guidance

    2. Sanket, how do you feel about this, I cannot wear rings all the time, the gemstones become too over powering for me. Yes astrologers and experts will say that you have to wear it close to body, every time, but its Ok to remove it for sometime everyday. This is my personal opinion, that if a gemstone loves you it will bless you even if you keep it close in a bag or purse!

  30. Hi my name is Laila Parag Jain. I purchased a silver turtle ring out of impulse on this sat n wore it on my left hands fore finger with the face facing outwards from my body. For some reason I changed its direction today n my son had a fall n got hurt n had to be bandaged on his head. Not sure if these things are linked. Pls tell me if it's alright to continue with the ring or not. Thanks in advance.

  31. Hi my name is Laila Parag Jain. I purchased a silver turtle ring out of impulse on this sat n wore it on my left hands fore finger with the face facing outwards from my body. For some reason I changed its direction today n my son had a fall n got hurt n had to be bandaged on his head. Not sure if these things are linked. Pls tell me if it's alright to continue with the ring or not. Thanks in advance.

    1. Laila, Oh its shocking that this happened, dear, hope your son is alright, praying for his good health.
      Turtles never bring bad luck, but still now that this has happened and that you have doubted this better to remove the ring, wash it and clean water dry off well, put positive intentions and then wear.
      Usually this happens when people purchase rings and wear it without washing, sometimes the energy from the past is carried over.
      Better if you are not comfortable clean this ring and keep it in prosperity corner , it will bring luck. Hope this helps you laila, and take care of your son!
      God Bless from Rizwana!

  32. Hi i m virangana kulshrestha. I purchase a silver tortoise ring on akshay tritiya basically on tuesday n i wear it on same day. But i m little confused in which fingure n hand i should wear it n face of tortoise ring should be in what direction?

  33. Hello Virangana, avoid ring finger. Right hand is for energy going out and left for coming in. It also depends upon your age and what purpose you wish to wear this ring. You have bought it on a auspicious day and began wearing it so hope for the best! All the Best from Rizwana!

    1. Dear Rizwana, Thanks for ur age is 53 n purpose is for good luck in business n for better health. But i m still confused. Pls tell me any specific hand n specific fingure ... direction of turtle ring should be towards the body n towards the nail...

  34. Dear Rizwana. Thanks for yr well wishes And response. Well so my son is better now and undergoing treatment. But I notice m doing a lot of purchases in the last 1 week none of which is wasteful expenses though. N m wearing with the turtle facing outwards from my body...does the expenses have to do something with the direction. Pls advise. Thanks.

  35. hello rizwana zi

    neelam ring ke sath turtle ring pehanani chahiye ya nahi

    kya neelam stone turtle ring ko suit karta hai

    agar karta hai to turtle ring kaunse ungli me pehanani chahiye

    please help

    1. Hello Sandesh, I am not aware of this, Neelam Blue Sapphire stone is worn in middle finger on saturday as I have read. It is believed to attract wealth and luck.
      Hope this helps! All the Best from Rizwana!

  36. Dear Rizwana. Thanks for yr well wishes And response. Well so my son is better now and undergoing treatment. But I notice m doing a lot of purchases in the last 1 week none of which is wasteful expenses though. N m wearing with the turtle facing outwards from my body...does the expenses have to do something with the direction. Pls advise. Thanks.

  37. Laila expenses in feng shui are directly proportional to water features in your home. Are there leaking pipes or water continuously dripping, this may be one of the reasons.
    Laila it all depends upon your intentions and also how each metal and tortoise reacts with your aura and birth numbers. Every individual is different and there is no universal rule.
    There is a belief that turtle facing out leads to expenses, but this is not true. Its a symbol of protection. Are you wearing the ring in left hand ?
    Even I have sometimes never been able to understand some gemstones reactions, and have kept them aside with care as I just did not find them comfortable to wear!
    I would still suggest you keep the ring in prosperity corner!
    All the Best from Rizwana!

    1. Thanks for yr response. Yes I do realise now that there is a leaking tap in my house. N I have worn the ring on the index finger of my left hand facing outwards.

    2. Thanks for yr response. Yes I do realise now that there is a leaking tap in my house. N I have worn the ring on the index finger of my left hand facing outwards.

  38. So that will surely help Laila, always keep a watch on such things , water is money in feng shui!
    Still if you love your ring, and want to wear it, Try wearing the ring facing towards you and see, maybe it may work!
    Take Care Laila!

  39. Which metal ring should be preferably used for tortoise ring and in which finger to wear it???

  40. Hello Anonymous it all depends upon your personal preference and choice. Some people love Gold some silver and some go in for mixed metals, panch dhatu ring. It depends upon your personal lucky element.
    Hope this helps! All the Best from Rizwana!

  41. In which finger should i wear the tortoise ring and in what direction and of which metal..?? am really confused.. do pls let me know.!!

    1. Hello Bherulal, the intentions you are going to wear are important. Also the metal you choose depends upon your choice. The direction it faces will depend upon the type of tortoise you choose, gemstones and gold metals indicate wealth and are good symbols for attracting wealth , worn facing towards you.
      For protection the tortoise faces outwards. Hope this helps!

  42. hi Rizwana !!
    Hi prachi here i would like to wear tortoise gold ring for property wealth and good career.. I have heard I need to wear Dragon Tortoise shaped ring…
    Kindly advise is it correct ? or any metal u suggest? how can I recognize Dragon Tortoise shaped ring? And which hand I should wear , facing and which figure ???

  43. Hello Prachi, welcome to Obsessed Over Stones! Yes prachi dragon shaped tortoise is a powerful symbol to attract fame and wealth. Just take care that Dragon energy is very strong and does not suit everyone. And may affect health as well as relationships.
    Also wear the ring only for some time of the day and then remove it while at home.
    All the Best from Rizwana!

  44. Hi!
    I bought a silver tortoise ring. I wear it in my right little finger as it doesn't fit on any other finger. Though I bought it on Saturday, I started wearing it on Sunday. Is it okay? Also am little confused abt the direction. Kindly suggest.

    1. Yes Anonymous, the little finger is for luck intelligence in work or business. Thats Ok , as long as the ring is working for you you need not worry about anything, its when things go wrong that we search for the cures.
      Do not let doubt come in your intentions,
      All the Best from Rizwana!

    2. Thanks Rizwana. Should I wear it facing towards nail? Pls guide.

    3. Now this depends upon why you are wearing the tortoise finger ring, protection wealth, gemstone one faces towards body.

  45. Hi,

    Where can i but a genuine turtle ring from..? And i already have my gem stone in my right hand ring finger, so is it ok if i wear it in the second finger..?

  46. Hi,

    Where can i but a genuine turtle ring from..? And i already have my gem stone in my right hand ring finger, so is it ok if i wear it in the second finger..?

  47. Hello Anonymous, I am afraid I cannot help you out here, you can buy from any reputed jeweller gemstone certified.
    Yes if its a Diamond it is Ok, I am not sure as there are some stones that do not go well with others. Yes you can wear thsi in other fingers if you are comfortable with this.

  48. Hello mam
    I have started wearing tortoise ring in pinky finger as it was gifted so it fits in little finger only it is ok to wear in little finger and i m wearing it away from body but person who gifted me she sai it should be face towards u can u please clear my doubt

  49. Dilip if this is working for you and how you feel after wearing this, all depends upon personal energy. Usually within three days you understand if the ring is working for your luck. and the direction depends upon intentions for wearing.

  50. I purchase gold tortoise ring and wearing index finger face outword for any problem

  51. Umesh Thank you for coming by Obsessed Over Stones! Yes this symbolizes protection and warding off evil spirits.
    All the Best from Rizwana!

  52. Hi,
    I purchased the Tortoise Shaped Finger Ring y'day. I am lookng for the job change , & I am trying hard for the same from last 2 yrs. Some one suggested me to ware the Tortoise ring. My Question is in which finger I should ware the ring & Facing of the ring. any other thing I should take care of or you want to mention.
    Thank you

    1. Aarti wear the ring in fore finger or little finger if you are comfortable with this. You can sit for few minutes daily in the north east sector of your home, this will help you to find the right job ,self realization/ self goals feng shui sector, according to your like.
      North west also needs to be activated for mentor luck which is where there is energy lacking in your life..
      What profession are you in? if you can email me, I can guide you better. All the Best from Rizwana!

    2. Thank you for your valuable guidance. Can you share your email id , I will send you details.

    3. Yes Aarti,
      or visit my website

  53. some one say when you eat non.veg and go to sleep that time remove tortoes ring

    1. Hello Umesh, this one has been asked so many times, and I always say go with your instincts, In fact I also choose or wear stones only following my instinct and never some one else!
      Yes it is advisable to remove the ring at night, give the tortoise some rest!

  54. Hi Rizwana,

    I have gone though all the conversation and would like to know, for wealth and health should i wear the tortoise ring in my left hand index finger face facing towards my body of in my right hand middle finger face facing away from my body

    Which of the above will bring positive energy to my life

    Thank you in advance

    1. Hi Shweta, the left hand is the receivers hand and right the givers. But people wear it according to their instincts. Gemstone tortoise is worn coming towards body.

    2. Hi Rizwana

      Thank you for your reply, so does that mean it will work well on left hand index finger with face facing towards the body

      Thank you again

  55. Hello Shweta , wear the ring this way and see how you feel, if great energy and good happenings then continue, or then change. A symbolic gemstone cure always shows difference in three days.


    1. Pratik Welcome to Obsessed Over Stones, this will depend upon what type of tortoise finger ring you choose, your intentions and birth month.

    2. hlo mam ,i m wearing a normal tortoise shape ring .so would it wearable ? and my birth of january month..

    3. Pratik, normal, you are referring to shape, it can be of stone, and which metal? Garnet is stone for January.
      But yes if you are comfortable with wearing ti then go ahead.

  57. hello mam.. i have purchased turtle silver ring today...for a girl in which hand and in which direction ring should be ware?

  58. Anonymous if you are gifting a tortoise finger ring let her wear it in little finger, if it has the stone of her birth month.

    1. No mam...i have purchased it for myself...m suffering from one year in my job...m searching for a new job...somebody told me that turtle ring is i have purchased.but i dnt know in which hand i have to wear it and also the direction of it.

    2. my birth month is november and moon sign is cancer..

  59. Hello Anonymous, Birthstone Topaz for November borns.When having financial problems and related to work wear it in right hand.

    1. but i have silver ring. so,in which direction i have to wear it?

    2. You can wear it facing towards you

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. hello mam..i m phd student and my bod is 6th july 1991 and sign is arises..i hv a silver tortoise ring which i wear in left hand first it ok..??

    1. Hi,
      I purchased the Tortoise Shaped Finger Ring

      . I am lookng for the job change , & I am trying hard for the same from last 2 yrs. Some one suggested me to ware the Tortoise ring. My Question is in which finger I should ware the ring & Facing of the ring. any other thing I should take care of or you want to mention.
      Thank you

    2. Aditi that's great, wishing you luck!,it will depend upon so many aspects, but you can wear it in your right hand. Your personal chi is weak, activate the south west sector,, somewhere relationships are draining your energy, I think. Have a pair of two pink crystals hung in south west. Hope this helps!

  63. hi ma'am m purnima i hv been facing financial issues since 2yrs n very bad health since 1year.. I purchased silver tortoise ring on Saturday in wic finger should I wear this ring...pls help me m very much in trouble

    1. Purnima, I think I have answered your query on email. Activate the north east and east, these lack energy, or maybe have some clutter, clean this and some fresh plants and color green, purple red are good. Hope this helps!

  64. Hii madam.... My lucky stone is diamond... I would like to wear that diamond in tortise ring... can I ?

  65. Hello Arif, If you love this stone,then diamonds are great as they have awesum strength energy.

  66. All over on the world, women are wearing a sufficient mixed bag of jewelleries. Whether it is
    about, engagement rings, wedding rings or silver jewellery gems are amazingly popular. So
    why do as such numerous women wear adornments on regular basis and why do these
    Embellishments have such a tremendous effect in the way they look and feel? The truth of the matter is that jewelleries have dependably been an essential piece of Indian societies, filling a few needs that are profoundly noteworthy to each of us. There is extraordinary mixture of diverse gems a man can look over like ladies rings, ladies necklaces or ladies earrings, and it all that much relies on upon the occasion he needs to present himself with the blessing and on the style he needs to go for and obviously the measure of cash he is willing to pay; jewellery can be made using lavish and in addition from shoddy materials, so it's truly up to you.

  67. Seo Sea, yes these stones are so loved by women and men all over the world. Thank you for sharing this information here on Obsessed Over Stones! All the Best from Rizwana!

  68. Hi my self suvidha n my born month is 4 th Feb 1985 ...I took silver tourtoise ring from my sister.. cn u tell me which finger should be were n which facing ....

  69. Suvidha, welcome to Obsessed Over Stones!Kindly refer to my posts on Tortoise ring in my blog, this will help too you choose which finger to wear and directions for wearing your tortoise finger ring. Suvidha your south west is weak, you need to activate this area then only will this open the gates to prosperity.
    check out these posts on my blog.
    Hope this helps!

  70. Hi man thanx for d suggestions ...also u said my south west is weak..can u plz guide me wat shud I do for dat

    1. Hello Suvidha, south west has the energy for females int eh house and it affects your relationships/dealings with family and at work/ outside.
      You can activate this by clearing the clutter first, maybe some object or furniture is broken or full of dust, or this area is dark, just check out.
      Light two candles or you can have artificial lights for some time every day and hang two crystals, preferably pink colored with positive intentions of strength and peace of mind.
      See that the north west is balanced with the southwest for the Yin and Yang in space to be in harmony,that is equal artefacts or paintings in both areas.
      All the Best from Rizwana!

  71. Hi, I have a sliver tortoise ring I. Which finger and which direction should the face of tortoise should be pls guide. As I want my career to grow as currently very disturbed

  72. Hello Meghna, you will have to check the centre of your home space. Put some yellow color small vase/ object or artwork. Also check the north east and sit for few minutes everyday here meditating, you will find the right path.
    Silver ring , you can wear in the index finger facing away from you.If there is a birthstone gemstone then it can be worn away from body.
    Hope this helps!
    All the Best from Rizwana!

  73. Hi my name is vasant my birth sign is capricon and I have gold turtle gold ring I m confuse in which fingure I should wear. Thanks

  74. Hi I'm girl. Plz suggest in which finger and hand i wear turtle ring. Which metal and stone i prefer. Intention is good job and health.

  75. Hi, Recently I bought turtle ring of gold having diamond embedded. My date of birth is 27-Dec. Please suggest the figure and direction of turtle. My motive is to have good health of my son. If I have to wear anything stone please let me know.

  76. Hello Rahul, the west sector in your house, please check this one and activate with a shiny crystal for energy, this will help your son.
    Health is the east sector, it would be better if you have some plants or color green here, this will help out in the whole family's health and relationships, which need some energy in your life.
    The diamond ring can be worn in index finger facing way from you, but still i don't know if relationships are what need healing in your life, at present you can also wear it in ring finger.
    Hope this helps!

  77. Replies
    1. Prakash Bhati, luck and success is the right combination of heaven and earth luck.

    2. In which finger and direction

    3. In which finger and direction

    4. will depend upon the design, type of tortoise shape and stones in it.

    5. I have silver ring. Round shape and water color transparent stone

    6. Prakash , the little finger of left hand would be good.

  78. Hi its kajal recently i bought 2 tortoise ring 1 for me and another for my husband. we wear it in the day of janamastmi only for the intention of job... becoz my hushabd left the job and didn't get now..please advice me for my husband job i'm worried about our future..

  79. Hello Kajal, check the north west sector of your home and activate this, it affects male energy of your home. Remove clutter and have bird and sky pictures here.
    Let him wear the ring facing away from body, for protection.
    You can wear it coming towards you.
    Always remember there is no replacement for hard sincere effort.
    Hope this helps!

  80. Thanks for sharing such a nice blog. You can select best silver gifting Nagpur online from Anupam Silver.

    1. Thanks Aarohi Singh for this helpful link posted for my readers of Obsessed Over Stones! All the Best from Rizwana!

  81. You are welcome Kajal! All the Best from Rizwana!

  82. Hi Rizwana .. I have purchased silver tortoise ring with small white stones and wearing on my right hand index finger facing towards my nail. Plz advise which hand or finger shud I wear and facing toward my body or nail? Waiting for ur rply :)

  83. Hello Roselin, now that you have begun wearing the ring with positive intentions do not disturb the energy. Right hand is good for career and job success. You can see changes within few days if no change then try wearing it other ways. The Tortoise cure is humble one and blesses many and only in rare cases does wealth go away, and is confused, in that case they are to avoid this cure.
    All the Best from Rizwana!

  84. Thnku so much Rizwana.. And I want to ask that can we wear the ring evry time.. Now I jz wear it till I go to sleep... After that i keep this in a box .

  85. Roselin, yes this is fine, even I don't wear my rings while sleeping, its good for the stones to recharge , just put them in their "home", specific box whenever you remove them at night.
    and when you wear the next day, again wear them with positive intentions. All the Best from Rizwana!

  86. somebody told me tortoise ring in copper could help me out in financial problem..
    is it true ???? or suggest me which metal should i prefer ????

    1. Hello Unknown, if you trust this 'Somebody" you can go ahead with this.

    2. but i need your Precious and Expert Advice so i can be Comfort with this Somebody's Advice......
      Please Help Maam

  87. mere husband ka naam rajender hai and wo har jagah job try karte hai but abhi bhi negative response mil raha hai aur unka comfidence bhot jyada loose ho jata hai ab aap batao mam kuch help kar do pls ,

  88. pls reply me madam i m waiting for ur response

    1. Hello Kajal, try some simple feng shui cures at home,, maybe the wealth and career sector at home is blocked. please email me his details, name and age qualifications so that I can help him better.
      Wishing for your Best! God Bless from Rizwana!

  89. Hi Mam!! I started wearing blue tortoise ring in my right hand ring finger. Since I started wearing the ring, both of my children got sick. I got the ring as a gift. What should I do?? Please help.

    1. Oh thats sad Shilpa, I have never seen Tortosies brign ill luck, they are humble creatures blessing always. But since this has happened,, maybe the stone , blue color is not working for you, and you are in doubt please do not use this cure.

    2. Thanks!! Good to know. How do I know what stone is good for me. What shoud I do with that ring?

    3. Shilpa the stones within few days connect, you feel comfortable, and a fresh energy when you see it,wear it. You can check out my blog to know your birthstone, but I advise to see different stones and choose the color you are attracted to.I alwsys see the stones, hold them and if it loves me , sometimes it sparkles, it moves and then I know this is for me!

    4. Shilpa, now that you have the ring, wash it thoroughly with mild salt and soapy water.
      Give it some fresh morning sunlight, some fragrant incense fumes, and put new intentions, for good luck.
      If you are not comfortable wearing it place it in prosperity corner for protection.
      Hope this helps!

    5. Thank you so much mam!! I'll try with this. What day and which finger should I wear. Thanks.

  90. Hi Mam, Iam wearing a silver turtle ring on left had middle finger from last 2 weeks..
    Me not sure which finger I need to wear this..and as ur comments says it shouldn't be worn on Saturday but I started wearing it on Saturday..and iam facing issues in ma career n wealth do let me know what should be done on this

  91. Hello Pavitha, Its fine that you have begun wearing a silver turtle ring, please do not get confused. As the feng shui cure itself always guides the wearer.
    Most issues are solved within few days, at least positive changes are seen, if not then you can try wearing in another finger.
    And now if you doubt, then you can remove the ring, wash it with mild soapy water, very little salt. wash ti thoroughly and give it some morning sunlight. Again wear it with positive intentions.
    Hope this helps you Pavitha! Wishing You All the Best from Rizwana!

  92. thank you so much mam will try this.!!.so once it is washed can u tell me which day and in which finger of which hand should I wear this..

  93. date of birth 20th feb 1992 please suggest

  94. Hello Pavitha, Tuesdays are good for you, use it to your benefit, hope this helps!

  95. My friend Gifted a turtle ring today... and i wearied it to my right finger nail towards my body facing....
    is it correct?

  96. K@NN@, the ring is of gemstone or which metal, and the shape of the turtle, this will indicate best way to wear it, and your purpose for wearing this, this will help to choose which finger to wear it for quick results. maybe you can share a photo so I can help you better.

  97. This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. Helllo Shilpa, refer to this post for birthstones

  99. Hello mam..greetings of the day..this is vishal kadam here...three months back i lost my job...nd i m back in mumbai..over here i m looking for starting my own business..but nothing working regards to nd my wife are facing too many problems in regards to overcome this last nite i bought a silver turtle ring..nd i m wearing it on my right hand in d index finger facing towards me.
    Mam..need ur expert advice on dis..
    Is d direction facing towards d body is proper? Or shall i change it to away from body to overcome financial issues..
    Plzz help

  100. Hello Vishal, now that you have begun wearing the ring do not upset the energy. Tortoises are humble and loving energy animals, am sure it will help! If you do not see any changes within few days or months then you can try changing the direction . All the Best from Rizwana!

  101. Hello madam; my neighbour gifted me silver turtle ring..after reading all the comments.. I am confused..
    please tel me which finger is best to wear turtle ring and which direction ?? My birth month is October. .plz tel

  102. Hello Aarti, there is no need to get confused , knowledge always helps and wear it in the finger you are comfortable in. Tortoises are humble creatures and never create any negative effects. If you wish for luck and prosperity in job then the little finger of your right hand is good for you. Hope this helps! All the Best from Rizwana!

    1. Hello madam...thanks for reply..
      I worn ring in my index finger on monday..
      Turtle head towards nail..but someone told me it will create bad effect ..turtle head should be at towards our body and we have to remove ring while eating nonveg also..
      thats why i removed the ring now..please clarify..what to do?

    2. Aarti, if you are confused the cures also bring confusing energy. And if you trust this person who has advised you then please do as they say.
      Wishing for your Best!

  103. This comment has been removed by the author.

  104. This comment has been removed by the author.

  105. Hello mam
    This is prasad iyer my sister is gifting me with a silver tortoise ring . My date of birth is 30th july 1987 and timing is 18.28. Please suggest me the finger and the direction of tortorise ring to be wone . Thanks in advance.

  106. Hi honerable Rizwana Mundewadi, today i purchased silver tortoise ring so could you please let me know are different fingers give different benefits. Iam preparing for government job and also growth in economically so please tell me which finger is better and what are bwnefits are comes in different fingers. I waiting for your reply
    Thanks & Regarda

    1. Hello Darshan, Welcome to Obsessed Over Stones.
      check out these posts on my blog.
      Hope this helps!
      All the Best from Rizwana!

    2. Different fingers do depict different energy,
      go through this post.

  107. Hi Rizwanajee my name is Gaurav, i have been gifted a turtle ring, my dob is 24th oct 1986 kindly advise me.

    1.In which hand should i wear the ring?
    2.Which finger i should wear it?
    3.What should be the direction of the turtle facing towards or away from the body?

    Please find

  108. Hello Gaurav the ring worn will depend upon the material it is made and the gemstone , and the intention it is worn for. Still going with my intuitions, I think the middle finger of right hand would be good for you. Hope this helps!

  109. Thanks for ur prompt revert appreciate that...

    1.The ring is made of silver
    2. Also what should be the direction of the turtle
    the intent of wearing this is to bring luck and prosperity.

    1. I always feel a Tortoise ring should be worn facing outside, but there are opinions and thoughts, hence you can try and wear it like you feel comfortable with. Put up the intentions Gaurav and then wear it.
      Hope this helps!

  110. Helllo Rizwana

    I am Nimit Shah, born on 30/10/1981. got tortise ring with black swastik in centre on a. its a gold colour. for wealth, carrier and to fullfill desire goal , should I wear in which finger and facing plz ?

    please guide me at your conveyance

  111. please tell me only one finger and facing as your opinion is vary from person to person. whatever u say will follow blindly and that will 100 % work.

    1. Nimit thank you for coming by Obsessed over Stones and thanks for having faith in my intuitions! 5 is a good number for you, include this in any dealings.
      Wear it in fore finger facing towards you.
      Wear it with positive intentions, thursday or friday morning before 12 is good.
      Hope this helps!
      God Bless and
      All the Best from Rizwana!

  112. Thank you so much Rizwana for your prompt reply. May God bless you alway and keep you happy.

    1. Nimit Shah, Thanks a lot for the Blessings, its what I need!

  113. Hello madam..I need your advice.. my turtle ring in blue silver colour...and I am going to wear it in index finger..for prosperity. .good luck..job and DOB is 26/10/86.
    But which direction is perfect for me..the turtle head towards the our body or towards the nail..??

    1. Hello Aarti, the head facing outwards as you need protective energy more, the rest will follow by itself. Hope this helps!

  114. Hii rizvana . I had been wearing it for last two to three days as i was advised by my frnd. I m wearing it in my left hand in my ring finger but yet not experienced any changes. I would to prefer to take in changes if u advise n it affects
    But i would also lyk to know that how many days will it take to show some change in my life. ...vaishnavi

    1. Vaishnavi, changes will be seen not like a miracle but gradually, wealth will come in different forms, I always advise to avoid ring finger, it affects personal relationships. Little finger is best for you.
      Now purify the ring and put intentions and then wear it, you will see the difference!
      All the Best from Rizwana!

  115. Hai mam my name is mubarak I purchased silver turtle ring mam.plz which finger is best nd which direction is good is turtle head is inside or outside mam.

    1. Muubarakk Ali, wear it with positive intentions facing outside.

  116. Hello Madam,
    Good morning,
    I am shweta and my zodac sign is zemini i m married and have a kid both hasband and wife r working since from few days we both are suffering in job. so i need a guidence from yu. few days back one of my known friend has wron silver tortise finger on her right hand facing towerds body , after hearing i thought to make a silver tortise ring for both of us. can you pls guide me the shape of tortise and the day when i should purchase it and which day we both should wear and also the direction to which the tortise should face .
    Hoping you will help me out in this.
    Waiting for ur reply
    Thank u.

    1. Hi Shweta, Tortoise finger rings are symbolic of good luck and strength.You can make silver rings and wear it in fore finger facing out.The day two wear depends upon your birth dates.Wear it with positive intentions. Check your south east and north west sectors and activate with feng shuicures for luck.
      All the Best from Rizwana!

  117. Hello Mam,
    I myself Hiralal Yadav my frd advice me to wear a tortoise ring for good luck in career
    But I don't know my dob as I born in village Uttar Pradesh only month dat is remember December
    On which fingure should i wear it on which hand and on which direction Pls help me out...
    Thank you

    1. Hiralal, you can wear it in fore finger of right hand with positive intentions.All the Best from Rizwana!


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