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Horror of Black Gemtones! Why you need to avoid black stone jewelry?

 Horror of Black stones! Powerful energy of black coloured gemstones will leave you energy drained, lonely and depressed! While many people often buy black fashionable gemstone jewelry but say this doesn't work for me, there are also some who share serious side effects from wearing particular black stones. led to accidents, losses of finances, breakups in relationships, confusing mind energy, and many even are so shocked with fast changes that hardly they get time to take life in hand after wearing innocently a black gemstone!

I have  a glittering mystical dark bluish black stone finger ring but sparingly use it
Always be careful while choosing and wearing special gemstones especially of particular colour like black. While you do trust your gemstone dealer and your jeweler, it is always best to always purify your gemstone jewelry and then begin wearing with positive intentions.
Black stones and Dark red stones must be used with care on your body

I have seen that gemstones are like small children, they work miracles and shoot up your life energy, success and wealth but they need to be handled carefully and with precaution. You just need to get the right one, and the stone also needs to favour you. Otherwise it just becomes like an ordinary piece of jewelry and may not bring you the desired goodluck effects.
Black coloured stones are to be worn with extreme care and caution, and this I share from my personal experience. You tend to attract negative energies, prone to spirt attacks, poison arrows from different sources are pulled to you,. Cases observed using regularly black big sized gemstone jewelry for longer periods- are health issues and nearing death in extreme harsh cases from going insane to mental issues. Black stones are so attractive, stylish and elegant, but their healing energy is they draw you towards them. Within few weeks you will start finding yourself alone! They pull you inside. 
Very strong symbolism and healing energies they do have a mystical power to protect from negative energies. You may have seen tantriks and magicians wear large black gemstones , they will mesmerize and draw you towards them.
Its a beautiful stone! Black stones have their own appeal, and can be worn with some precautions and care.
1) Choose a glittering stone instead of dull black stone would do wonders for protection from evil eye and evil spirits. 
2) See that it does not have cracks and red coloured particles , bloody stones are more strong and we have to be careful with wearing these.
3) If you love a large sized black stone finger ring , never wear it in ring finger that brings marital luck. It will lead to break up and divorce.
4) Black stone is Serious Yin energy stone, lowering energy hence try to wear combinations of stones. Might lead one to aloofness, loneliness and even breakups in relationships on continuous long term wear. It may bring some starting confidence energy but soon drains too. 
5) Avoid wearing large pendants with only black gemstones. Serious side effects on heart and chakra energy leading to mental disorders and psychiatric issues. Heart pains and losses in relationships as also health care issues mental health issues. 
You cannot over rule the powers of black gemstones in destroying negative evil spirits from any space, destroying enemy without doing anything, just the vibes are enough, for protection of any space from evil spirits. Wearing tips for black gemstone jewelry-
1) Always put intentions before wearing. Have pure intent for self protection  and never to hurt anyone.
2) Wear it sparingly, for less hours only.
3) Avoid gifting black gemstones to wife or girlfriends.
4) Wear it in combination with white diamonds, they will balance the Yin and yang energies.
5) Do not wear someone else black stone jewelry, that is worn by someone previously without purifying the piece. It will destroy you seriously. 
Destroy haunted house haunted furniture energy 
Have you worn black gemstone jewelry? what did you experience? positive or negative? do share in comments! I would be interested to know more about magical effects of black stones and not only the horror energy side~!
All the Best from Rizwana!
Read more about effects of Gemstones on my Obsessed Over Stones Blog-
I do not sell gemstones, this blog is my passion for love of coloured stones! I am a Reiki healing artists since year 2000. Buy my Reiki paintings only from my website The Red Pilgrim's Soulperk art!


Save Your Marriage from breakup powerful gemstones! strong marital relationship cure! which stone for understanding partner?

 Save Your Marriage from breakup with these gemstones!! Powerful marital luck relationship saver! which stone for understanding partner?Sharing powerful stone, the right placement, sacred numbers, free powered Reiki energy video ,  which can be written on left hand to save even the worst cases of failed marriage. Try it, Do comment and accept the reiki. the most challenging today with people hooked over mobile phones is relationships are severely affected. Working couples are stressed busy with high work pressures for achieving targets and most times even with love and every thing compatible marriages come on verge of divorce. 

It can be mentioned that finances, education, qualification, space for each other, giving attention and relaxing family energy by trips and holidays is a must to keep the bond of love between couples but yet if ego negativity, family member interferences, especially mother in law-daughter in law tussles, father in law ego clashes, daughter in law indifference,   also do play a role in any marriage. 

Powerful Gemstones to save any challenging marriage!

Here we open up positive intentions to save the relationship when both sides are in love and have the strong inclination to save their relationship and work upon this. The Universe has  a magical way to bring workable solutions if you search for it. I always say-those the Universe chooses find me!

Green Emerald stone finger rings

place two rose quartz pyramids or balls in south west of your bedroom
Read about-manifestation wish fulfillment stone and how to use this?
How many gemstones to wear together at a time?
Powerful Reiki Floral Roses Love painting

choose ruby stones pair of finger rings

Emerald stones are really powerful for any wish fulfillment. Amethyst will bring protection to any form of negativity in any space.

Powerful Amethysts for negativity clearance and manifestation

 I will never get tired of boasting with loads of love about the powerful effects of rose quartz, this one is enough for anything and everything if you use it correctly with pure intentions. 

How to use pink stones effectively read here

Remember the trick for any successful usage of gemstones for binding relationships is the correct shape and number. If you use this in triple it will be confusing energy. Always in pair and never less or more! 

Crystals also benefit if hung in south west of your home bringing peace understanding in all family members  and relationships to ease out energy tussles between the couple. 

Place correctly read carefully these tips-

rose quartz near bedside of both partners. 

Reiki free video for bonding any relationship-save your marriage. No ego negativity misunderstanding will break this relationship-very powerful youtube channel The Red Pilgrim reiki. 

Amethysts at entrance or bedroom or living room prosperity sector.

Two clear crystals in south west of living room. 

Clear crystals are very powerful 

At the main entrance of your home hang a evil eye cure blue stone or artwork. 

Evil eye cure Reiki feng shui painting for sale

feng shui evil eye cure

In the living room south west put soothing soft pastel colour for wall and avoid any sharp furniture, broken pieces or chipped objects. 

The Reiki symbol Cho Ku rei can be used to amplify energy of any wish with love and respect.

Two Cho Ku rei's only I use and no other artist or healer has been using this type of energy, of course now they may have started by following my art since year 2000.  There are amazing Reiki energy paintings especially for healing love relationships and bringing partner affection and caring compassionate supportive energy. available on my website Razarts.

Sacred Angelic numbers codes can be written with positive intentions on left hand of your body hidden from view to others.

wife can write on left hand or body part

541 for making strong relationship with husband




these numbers to gain love respect from husband.

741 number attracts impossible becomes possible-save your marriage with the angel number.

777 for miracles

The feng shui information along with specific gemstones used can amplify energy and heal any lacks in your life especially healthy relationships. Give them some love, your gemstones are miraculous, they give back love manifolds!!

Hope this post has been of value to you. Do comment for any advice or guidance in comments below.

Thank you so much!

All the Best from Rizwana!

I do not sell gemstones, I am a Reiki artists since year 2000 selling original hand made artworks with positive energies for life luck activation The Red Pilgrim's Soulperk art.


Most Powerful Stone for Heart Health! Rose Quartz !symbolism reiki and how to use it correctly for benefits

 Heart health and heart set has become priority now especially post covid and omicron with isolation we now understand more and more about how heart set and heart health is one of the most important priority in life. Sharing my most beautiful rose quartz stone symbolism and properties, after reading this post I am so sure you will add this one immediately to your life! Do share your experiences with this heart love most beautiful stone rose quartz!

Rose Quartz Ball

This is a beautiful most lovable rose quartz stone. Pink to off white to sometimes looks almost white, I love the pink tinged one as it is so soothing to the body heart and soul. Can't thank this stone as it has immensely given me so much love and helped in my soul journey and still does. It has taken blow from blow from blow of tons of external and internal negative energies and emerged victorious, that is the power of love stone, heart stone, Rose quartz! Life journey assistance step by step this rose quartz once falls in love with you will never leave your side if you give it love. Happy heart opens up a beautiful life, trust me on that!

Survivors warrior souls have happy hearts. Heart attack's and sudden deaths' due to heart failures are never every sudden, your body surely gives you warning messages which you do not read. Stress, hyper tension, anxiety, financial pressures, family pressures, energy lacks, low self esteem, wavering confidence, negative energy, unhealthy diet, unhealthy lifestyle, restless sleep, so many things all build up to break you gradually. Money is not a reason for unhealthy heart, it is just an excuse. People keep listing excuses to not be happy and most times when we discuss we get clarity that these are only self limiting beliefs fed to us from our previous generations.

Buying rose quartz stones please do not buy cracked chipped pieces. Touch and connect with the energy and only then buy. I have also purchased online rose quartz that comes with authenticity certificate but personally I still buy only after touching any gemstone. There are natural formations in every piece but it must not seem too muddy. It is each ones personal choice. 

Clear Quartz Amethyst raw rock stones
Reiki symbol Mai Yur Ma for happy heart

Heart stone Rose Quartz healing benefits- The stone is smooth and a bit colder to touch. You can wear it close to your body, hold it in palm, wear pendant near your heart, wear finger ring touching your skin, you can keep a rose quartz pyramid near your bed, under your pillow, in your drawer, this works anyway. I love the touch of this stone and it is at its best when you feel and touch it with love. immense energy starts to connect and flow towards each and every cell of your body and you feel so relaxed happy and go ins elf acceptance self love mode. the I am enough mode!

the chipped rose quartz my bestie!

few of my loved ones

Physical body healing happens gradually with you being guided for healthy choices of food, healthy lifestyle choices and healthy people surrounding you modes. The Universe listens and sorts out your life beautifully by slowly removing the excesses the blocks the negative influences into pure energy forms so that you enjoy and live your soul purpose and this life on earth in peace harmony and full of joy. 
Happy Heart Rose quartz pyramid
Coming to the so important emotional healing part. that is most important that the rose quartz is effective for deep cleansing and removing heart blocks impurities imperfections from your life and making it just right for you. With my experience since more than two decades the Reiki energy symbols used for heart healing art Karuna Reiki symbol Mai Yur Ma and the most precious Se He Ki symbol. And this so so loving symbol harth. Its immensely beautiful, full of grace and love energy for happy self acceptance, hap[y heart health.  I can't stop the benefits because these cannot be jotted in few words. it is huge, immense and vast, what these symbols can do for your life. 
Happiness art for Happy Hearts

Rose quartz along with reiki energy multiplies the energy effects with magnitude to bring faster results. Mai Yur Ma the beautiful reiki symbol is a gateway to the soul. It actually symbolizes heart healing. Dear Mai Yur Ma open my heart to give and receive love. This literally means you gradually unblock the heart blocks that you have created surrounding yourself over the years, over past lives, over soul journeys form ancient times maybe, and you unfold them, unfurl them, open and break these chains and the heart breathes free. You will feel much lighter and so peaceful. So much joy, you will experience. mind you its never instant it takes time, it may take months, years, but trust me its worth it! to experience pure bliss and joyful life in this life while you are alive! I want you to live your life joyfully before you die! 
Reiki Harth Zonar symbols specific intentions healing art

experience live energy flow from my healing arts mediation videos free on YouTube channel the Red Pilgrim.
How to use Rose quartz for maximum benefits- you may wash it with pure water and give it only few minuets of early morning sunlight . put intention's with love for heart healing. keep it close to you touching your body. It works best when you regularly touch to and also keep it near your heart. If you have serious heart issues and many emotional problems with everyone, like most times angry irritable, low self esteem, avoiding social contact and isolated start up immediately with keeping the rose quart very close, wear it as pendant just falling up the heart chakra area on your body. 
There is no limitation to how many rose quartz stones you can add. So for fast benefits use a pyramid to amplify energy with focus. Pendants work wonders to your heart health and soul set. Rose quartz balls are so soothing as they connect energy flow through your palms to your full body, it is a movement of grace without any force removing all negativity from your body. There are sculptures and art pieces also available in rose quartz, like birds, two hearts ,swans of rose quartz, rose quartz tortoises for happy wealth etc, for attracting love abundance and joy.

Give them some Love... they will love you back manifolds!!!

Hope this post has been of value to you, thanks for reading and your time! do share your experiences and if you have any doubts comment! its worth it!

Much Love Light Peace Joy from Rizwana!

I do not sell gemstones this is my love and passion. I am a symbolist painter, healing artist since year 2000 selling original art to spread health wealth and Joy with world through my Reiki symbol healing paintings!  Reiki paintings for health wealth and joy.


Manifestation wish Fulfillment stone! How to Use Clear Quartz stone correctly for goal achievement

what if you had the manifestation magic stone that would fulfill all your wishes? you do have it easily available, very affordable and mystical is the clear quartz raw gemstone. If you are unable to manifest your wishes however much you try read this life changing post of today~! Buy genuine quartz because you can be sold cheap glass and you would not know the difference! Visiting the Ajanta Ellora caves a short trip took me to my passion of gemstones and I added so many as usual following my love for gemstones. raw stones are so fascinating with pure energy. 

Mystical Quartz and Amethyst raw rock stone

 Raw rock stones found in mountains are power packed with tons of mountain earth heavenly energies. Charged from the strongest element the energy is amazing! Sharing in this  informative post that will work wonders to your life,  a magical clear quartz stone healing properties and how you can correctly use this stone for any wishes.

Read on- Benefits of Amethyst February Birthstone

 be careful while buying jewellery from tourist spots!

Is your clear quartz real? touch it, you will feel. It is cooler and will bring a cooling energy towards you. Glass will not give you that feel. You have to be careful in buying because this is often mistaken as glass. 

Buy @Razarts Wish fulfillment Reiki paintings with specific intentions. 

Meditating among the caves of Ajanta was a mystical experience. raw stones have amplified energy as compared to polished and jewelry embedded stones. Natural gemstones found among the mountain rocks look so heavenly and amazing with their raw energy. 

Mediating for peace and blessings in one of the Ajanta caves

Magical wish fulfillment raw rock stone 
Clear quartz amplifies energy of any intentions. Assists in clarity focus and goal specific achievements. Helps to bring in harmony and balance among energy of chakras. Promotes good memory and concentration on tasks. Amplifies psychic abilities and enhances energy manifestations. 

Amplify psychic abilities Reiki healing paintings for sale.

Also a good healer it aids in good health and attracting best healthy lifestyle habits. The quartz stone naturally will form a protective shield for you if your intend this and keep it close with love. Very powerful is this gemstone rock as it will super charge your wishes amplify and take it straight to the universe! More so needed now the clear quartz removes' negativity from environment, radiations, electro magnetic smog, it harmonizes spiritual, mental, physical and emotional planes. 

Painting Golden sands- Inspired by my love for gemstones and colored rocks!

The clear quartz stone is linked to the crown chakra. the sahasrara, a thousand petalled lotus. mindfulness. Being in the moment and using the energy for your benefit instead of wasting it on unnecessary thoughts. You will always be bombard with thousands of thoughts at every second and your brain has to keep choosing. be mindful of your thoughts and achieve all that your heart desires. Mindfulness intentions specific Reiki sigil paintings for sale.

The quartz stone also works wonders for you skin health and you will notice reduction in lines, wrinkles and spots attracting beautiful healthy skin. We do not want a white skin, we want a healthy skin! Buy reiki sigil art for beauty and glowing skin.  Master healer the clear quartz brings your inner confidence and you suddenly feel as if your wings have opened. 

Ritual for cleaning your clear quartz- actually the quartz is such a beautiful stone that it repels negativity by itself. There is no specific need for any cleansing rituals. The stone can be cleaned with pure water and it is not necessary to give sunlight. in fact raw stones should be kept protected form environmental hazards and abrasive surfaces. they will start to chip. Unless of course if you see someone else who is strongly negative touches it, then clean it in flowing water. 

Short Reiki healing arts meditation video for clearing foggy thoughts YouTube channel the Red Pilgrim.

Manifesting stone magic tips-

1) what do you want from your life? usually people at first say wealth money cash. Agreed money can buy you all the keys to happiness but trust me alongside health and family friends will be the most important because you need people to enjoy your life's some one to share your sadness's and joys with. Your achievements will feel empty once you hit your targets unless you can share and enjoy the successes with someone. Get this step clear first. It is good to write down list your priorities for good results.

Attract Joyful healthy life and Family blessings with my original Reiki paintings

2) Clarity is most important. One day you wish for something and next day you have another will confuse you, the quartz energy as well as the universe. 

3) Be Specific with wishes. if you want wealth how much? state a reasonable figure. Quote a monthly income or incoming wealth of $ amount or whatever your currency is. 

4) Do not ask or struggle for results. Let the Universe decide what is good for you.

5) Take whatever the universe sends with humble gratitude! more will follow! Once I found a coin dropped, I keep finding magic money, even on our Europe tour it was magic to find coins (of course you cant pick up coins from anywhere, but just the thought brings so much joy when you see coins!)  and I have this habit of feeling the Universe sends this, it is magical energy of dropped coins even from your family's or while they are putting money in wallet or maybe family member is dressing. The single coin or many coins is a message from the universe about wealth coming your way. You may receive a bonus, a concession and discount and that is magic money. 

6) The manifesting quartz stone is clear and clean slate. Add your wishes! be connected with your stones and rocks they give you immense love manifolds! It is ok to express pure love, touch them with lots of love, kiss them always before wearing and removing, thank them,  and see their magic!

Interesting posts on Obsessed Over Stones-

Tourmaline Gemstone Healing Properties

How Many Gemstone Rings to Wear at a Time

Sparkling Diamonds Enchanting Garden-one of my best artworks!

 How to choose genuine gemstones simple tips

Healing Ornaments for Health Benefits

Effects of Keeping Dragon and turtles together

 Side effects of horse shoe shaped finger ring

Golden Topaz Gemstone symbolism manifestor of dreams

All Photographs, and Content are My Original Copyright Reserved © 2000-2022Rizwana A.MundewadiDO NOT COPY FOR FEAR OF KARMA

Thank you for coming by Rizwana's Google Blog Obsessed Over Stones!

Rizwana Mundewadi Wishing You All The Best! 

I do not sell gemstones this is my love and passion. I am a symbolist painter, healing artist since year 2000 selling original art to spread health wealth and Joy with world through my Reiki symbol healing paintings! Buy Reiki paintings for health wealth and joy.


Magic stone for Share Trading Stock market career opportunities prosperity! symbolism correct procedure and Which finger to wear Emerald ring ?

Much gratitude and Thank you each one of you for connecting! Bringing the best life changing Gemstones energy activation post this 2022! Gemstone for Share Trading Stock market career finance, banking, opportunities prosperity success!  is what each one is searching for now. Everyone wants to know the magic stone and wear the finger ring to activate success in life. This stone does work miraculously with many successful case histories and it has its scientific roots too with symbolism so writing this here for your benefit.

Magical stone for share marketing Trading success

Magical gemstones! I love them and they love me manifolds back!!

 Buy Traders Stock Marketers Banking Finance Professionals Reiki Healing Abundance paintings. 

 You will notice the green Emerald stone finger rings worn by so many celebrities, actors, writers, authors, artists and just about any person wearing gemstones your eye does go to the green stone ring and it works wonders as they mention. What is in this green stone?

Symbolism of Emerald gemstone-

Emerald is a life energy activating stone. Life affirmation stone. It represents the heart chakra. It opens the heart chakra to harmonize and be open to give and receive love. With so much on my brain since being a Reiki Master in year 2000,  using Reiki symbol Mai Yur ma I was also guided to this beautiful gemstone in later years. The stone is believed to enhance psychic abilities and improve clarity focus clairvoyance. Activating mental abilities.

Reiki Mai Yur Ma Powerful Opening heart to abundance artwork available for sale

The Emerald stone is a balm to your soul. It calms refreshes and energizes. Brings patience, wisdom, inspiration, harmony to your body and life. Most powerful symbolism is that the Emerald stone is truly know as the stone of prosperity. It represents growth. Spring, renewal, upwards rising. adding, and also healing to the eyes. Also a stone of friendship and love and healthy partnerships. 

The Hindi name is Panna. It attracts good opportunities and money luck. Hence this is the most powerful gemstone for people in professions of stock market, trading, shares, finance related careers.  Banking nd money related jobs also benefit a lot from this green stone. It also enhances memory. 

Which metal to wear Emerald with? The emerald stone actually is a deep green and it also hints at bluish green or sometimes yellowish tinge to it. Best jewelry is when the emerald stone in made using gold metal. Silver also works well. We see platinum finger rings too that beatify the awesome green emerald stone. Diamonds too are embellished along side the Emerald green stone to make exclusive bespoke jewelry by reputed jewelry brands. Tanishq has amazing collection. 

Who must not wear Emeralds? Mars people need to be careful with wearing since Mercury is incompatible with mars. Aries sun sign zodiac people must be careful in using this stone. This will not bring downfall as it is a really beautiful stone, you just have to avoid wearing it and keep it in drawer or wallet for activating the lucky energy. I also read on Google that the stone some times brings depression, schizophrenia, panic attacks, paranoia,  and skin or throat ailments. Gemstones do behave strangely sometimes without any scientific reasoning. You need to avoid certain gemstones even if they may be your birth stones if you face mental health issues anxiety, panic attacks, schizophrenia. Chronic mental energy imbalances are triggered many times with certain colored gemstones. 

Important Information Post- List of seven chakras and their beneficial gemstones

Procedure to wear Emerald gemstone finger ring-Very important for maximum benefits. Choose your lucky day and before sunrise take one drop of milk in a bowl of water. soak for 7 minutes, wash with clear water (if you have hard water please use filtered water) . Wipe it clean with soft muslin cloth. The best energizer, sunlight, we need raw fresh light sunrise. 24 minutes of dawn sunlight will activate your emerald beautifully. Now put up intentions, love, pure love, look at the ring, hold it, touch it, talk to it and then wear the emerald finger ring with your clear intent. 

You may find after years of use or sometimes feel the power reducing and your emerald stone not showing results so repeat this cleansing ritual.

Wednesday is good to wear Emerald stone rings. A time of 5 to 9 in morning will bring best results.  

Caring for your Emerald gemstone-

Be really careful that no one else touches or wears your emerald finger ring. It will catch the negative energy. Avoid exposing your emerald stone to rain water or swimming pool water. It is a stone that needs to be kept dry and protected. Be careful that the stone doesn't get scratched chipped or cracked. 

Which finger to wear Emerald finger ring? Usually the energy of right hand the working hand benefits more and the little pinky finger works best. many wear in fore finger or ring finger also depending upon their intentions of wearing emerald finger ring. Did you try this? do share your experiences with using emerald finger rings, I would love to hear how this magic stone has worked for you. Or did you have any issues taming this energy? write in comments, maybe I will be able to guide you for taming love of  this beautiful stone!

The Abundance stone this is a magic miracle stone, wear it , try it, it works!! Don't expect windfalls of money without putting in the efforts! Opportunities will open up in your way, take the leap of faith and move ahead with passion compassion and dedication!! Go in with your heart and soul and see your life soaring with Prada!  Go ahead you deserve it!!!

All the Best from Rizwana!

A Healing Artist selling original Reiki healing art @ The Red Pilgrim's Razarts You Tuber The Red Pilgrim Dedicated since year 2000 towards spreading health wealth and joy through my Reiki symbol healing paintings!

Stay Safe!

Read here- Why gemstones behave strangely? 

Serious side effects of black stone

How to wear gemstone for best healing purpose?

most unlucky gemstone and how to deflect negative energy from gemstones?


Is it necessary that birthstone touches finger skin when worn? can we wear many gemstone rings in one finger?

 Todays query about wearing birthstones- Is it necessary that birthstone touches finger skin when worn? can we wear many gemstone rings in one finger?

We need the right information and knowledge to use birth stones and gemstones efficiently for goodluck. The most important part of wearing any gemstone is that astrologers will tell you that the stone must touch the skin. From personally using many gemstones over the years I find that Stones have their energy vibrations which spread in surrounding areas also.  I randomly choose and wear, I change fingers' to experience new joys from them and I also sometimes wear and then remove them and change. I have understood intentions and your love care is most important to experience the magics of gemstones and birth stones. Tantrums are from both sides, me and them also, sometimes stones do behave in erratic manner. That used to happen in early years of new stones jewelry. We have to tame them and they do tame us with their love, immense blessings come up once you form a loving bond with your stones. 

The part I feel is partly true that stone touches the skin from back. It is a sort of physical connection making alchemy magic. I have also experienced that is trying challenging times it helps when I move my hands and finger's over the stones lightly. It brings harmony and peace instantly. This is not an most important criteria though for experiencing benefits from birth stones. I have seen they even spread vibes from your purse wallet and drawers too, you can feel them communicate.  Pendants too made from rubies, rose quartz have a base that is open which will touch your heart chakra or throat chakra. It is immensely healing to feel the touch of stones. It feels like pure love, and just like love stories you do understand that this happens over years and not over night as soon as you purchase and wear any gemstone. 

On some occasions I don't feel like wearing them so I carry them to keep them close. I have also noticed that people have tendency to ask about your finger rings stones and impulsively as they see, touch talk about names and benefits, they immediately wear it! Oh, that is not good. So sometimes it is better to carry them especially the amethysts that is strong negativity protection stone. From experience I have also stopped showing or removing rings outside. There is also fear of losing them, like my earth Gold stone, sang sitara, sun stone, sparkling ring was so challenging alwsy it would fall off and no she didn't leave me, the tricky part I would find her in the bag ,purse or bed strangely. 

Is it important? gemtone to touch skin when wearing for effect?

Gold stone finger ring
There is so much fun and funky look when you wear many finger rings with sparkling coloured stones! I tried that and it feels good. You can try wearing but avoid cross energy stones like fire and water energy. Shani stones Saturn stones are best worn single. Amethyst and rose quartz, emeralds, rubies, diamonds, pearls, blue stones, tourmalines etc can be worn with others. This is a trial and error energy experiment which individually each one will have different experiences.  

Read about-can I wear jewelry during reiki session?

Avoid these gemstones when you have depression or schizophrenia

Do Swarovski crystals heal? difference and my trip to Austria Swarovski Crystal World

Wear them with lots of love and experience pure joy with your gemstones! yes, the Midas touch the magic touch will amplify energy from your birthstones! I do love them and even paint sometimes using this subject.

Much Love Harmony Joy!

All the Best from Rizwana!! 

Dedicated since year 2000 towards spreading Reiki energy with the world with my reiki symbol healing paintings. 


can I wear gemstones gold silver during Reiki sessions?is drinking water from copper vessels beneficial?

When you go for a Reiki session you are surprised to know your healer will mention to remove all jewelry. This is of course for energy purposes but you have to be careful about where you keep the removed pieces or ornaments as some cases of people looting have made the name of Reiki healers in bad light. People are now scared and it is also correct to be scared if you don't know reputed healers or go for magic cures sessions without transparency.  

Gemstone finger rings have different energies and properties

Explaining here why your healers say this and what you must do.  Jewelry gemstones finger rings bracelets of gold and silver often worn regularly have their energy merged with our body. especially charms pendants and gemstone rings worn with birth stones and intentions are what we hesitate to remove at any time. 

Some of My Precious Lovelies!!

Personally I also feel you get possessive of wearing those gemstones with so much love that you feel as if your body part is being removed. I have gradually started to stop wearing the same stone finger rings and I also try to wear them in different finger's to experience different energies. There are also intentions so even if you stop wearing these beautiful gemstones do try to check upon them, touch them with love to keep getting their benefits. Reiki healers advise because this may interfere with energy. And I have seen people get confused with birth stone jewelry talismans  and then do not give credit to Reiki.

Reiki energy transfer is done with the healer sending reiki to various parts of your body especially chakras. they put hands to allow transfer of energy and unblock the negative to open up receiving fresh energy thus bringing harmony in chakras and good health.  I make Reiki symbol healing paintings infused with energy and intentions and have stopped direct reiki sessions. I do send distance Reiki which has given me immensely wonderful results with clients from around the globe. The clients send their photos (even pets -birds, dogs, cats) through email and I choose an time, sometimes I just take down their intentions and send them during my daily meditation dawn sessions irrespective of their connecting or sitting at that time because different countries have different time. They feel and  receive reiki and this works for me. 

It is advisable to remove jewelry during Reiki healing session to bring pure energy and no breaks. You find the healer may get hurt touching the jewelry and thus break energy flow. You also will find during a session that a pendant or bracelet will hurt you as you lie down for a session and this breaks the energy cycle. Chances of clothes getting stuck during sessions is also uncomfortable both for you as well as your Reiki healer. 

For best energy transfers it is advisable that your healer also does not have any jewelry. I try to advise that they keep protection symbols and stones nearby because being an empath during transfer is not easy, we ourselves go through the traumatic experiences, we may also get attached to the negative energy(especially when healers are going through personal or environmental shifts and challenges) so after few sessions I always need breaks and recovering time. Some energies are very powerful and that lingers even long after the clients have left us and they heal faster. Ladies are used to wearing mangal sutra and gold chains symbolizing marriage bond and hesitate to remove that emotional jewelry at any cost. Some wear tawiz, talismans worn at all times and will not remove this. 

It is better to avoid wearing jewelry during a Reiki session. You can hand over the ornaments to the person who has come along with you. For a long term Reiki if you visit regularly once or twice a week it is better to not wear jewelry at those times. This will also keep your mind free and open to receiving pure reiki. Reiki is a pure energy form and the healer becomes a hollow channel transferring energy. if you have not understood or experienced refreshing flow of energy after a reiki session with your Reiki healer then its time to change your healer!

Drinking water in copper vessels has come to limelight as ancient times people had copper brass pots for storing water. Metal has strength and its own alchemical properties. But not all require the additional metal element and not all people feel energized with copper infused water. So it is the latest trend with copper bottles and pots for drinking water, but you must personally choose whether you find this beneficial. otherwise our matkas are best and will keep ruling the water storing line. The traditional storing water mud pots enrich water with minerals that are beneficial. Water form copper pots may sometimes have strong heating energy and if you suffer from excessive acidity or anger emotions then avoid this. 

You will notice your healer say to drink a glass of water after every healing session. It is not necessary to drink from copper vessel activated water. Simple plain water also will help purify your system. Water carries energy and it communicates,. this has been proved. hence when you drink holy water or water from temples and dargah you feel at peace, it is because of the vibes and intentions. Scientifically proved is that water has stored memory and thus it heals when brought from holy places or mantra chanted upon that. Reiki healers also give water to drink after a session and that is infused with intentions of purification and healing. 

Summarizing here-it is better to avoid wearing jewelry during a live reiki session. be it bigger jewelry or small sized pieces if it interferes with your posture during session then better avoid. In distance Reiki this doesn't mater, at least for me. I have overcome the timespan and even what the client wears or where they sit or whether they continue their work during distance reiki session as with more than twenty years experience with energy transfers my Reiki flows anywhere and everywhere around the globe with my intent. 

interesting information posts-

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Hope this helps!

Thank you so much for coming by Obsessed Over Stones!

All the Best from Rizwana!

Reiki healing artist India dedicated since year 2000 towards spreading Reiki energy to the world with my Reiki healing paintings. Buy healing art from my website Razarts.