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Original Pearl Selection Tips Symbolism Characteristics of Pearl Stone

Pearl  Stone Jewellery Set
Pearl a symbol of purity, femininity, spirituality is a stone used to balance  and purify energy. Pearl necklaces and jewellery are often associated with royalty and grace. It is very difficult today to identify original pearls as there are so many pearl stones available and also in different colors and textures. Fresh water pearls look great, so also black colored pearl necklaces make quite a style statement.
Pearl with Diamond Designer Jewellery Set
 Pearls are the birth stone of june and it is believed that the power of the stone increases or decreases with the moon cycle according to the origin of the stone. pearls , especially off white pearls are believed to soothe and calm senses and make peace with ones self. A good self healing stone to accept ones self and limitations and allow love compassion  into your life.
Original off white pearl
The Chinese  Dragon is often seen with the white pearl on its head  or mouth and the tradition goes that black pearls of wisdom on the dragon head and one had to slay the dragon to achieve wisdom., control, overcome all external desires to gain enlightenment.
Black pearls are extremely rare and look very good in necklaces and ear rings,  as  black shiny metal colored they also promote wealth and money feng shui luck.  Pearls can be used as feng shui cures for balancing energy and also aid in fertility. Some pearls are off white, some have a colored tinge to them. Each color represents the power of influence the pearl will have on your chakras. Pink color  tinged pearls improve energy for the heart chakra, green tinged for heart chakra and yellowish for sexual or lower body three chakras.  White color symbolizes new beginnings and purity innocence for the wearer.
While some religious traditions believe pearls to be tears they are no deterrent to wearing theses gemstones of beauty and purity. As pearls are found  from oysters the quality of your original pearl very often depends on this.
How to check original pearl- now this is a bit tricky so it is best to purchase perals from a certified jeweller.
It has been said that a simple tip to check the originality of the pearl is to keep it between your front teeth lightly and move the teeth in grinding motion, original pearl has a textured grainy surface and is never  very smooth or even.Now  be very careful else  you may crack the pearl.
Then there is also another way to bounce the pearl in hand, it weighs more whereas the fake pearl may be lighter, but another hitch here, the fake may be made of glass  which is heavier.
Then of course go with your instincts, visual appeal, original pearls may not be exact round shape and all pearls in the necklace may not be of the exact same size and shape.
There is an original tinge glow to the original pearl which you can feel when you hold the gemstone in your hand, as other stones even pearl communicates to the individual who needs the healing.
Also found another very grueling test , drilling hole in the pearl to check the nucleus of the centre, wouldn't dare try  this as you will lose  the pearl .

Pearl Necklace

So while Christians wear a pearl set on weddings symbolizing love and happiness pearls are universally accepted as great for any jewellery pieces be it necklaces, ear rings, finger rings, bangles kada, bracelets, and even designer broaches and cufflinks for men.
Pearls attract wealth and symbolize prosperity and also believed  to balance the energy of the wearer by soothing senses and calming balancing emotions.
Thank you for coming by Rizwana's google Blog Obsessed Over Stones!
Rizwana Mundewadi Wishing You All The Best! 
 A Healing Artist selling original art @ The Red Pilgrim's Soul Perk^Up Healing Art 

Dedicated since year 2000 towards spreading joy, health,wealth and success with my Reiki symbol healing Paintings!
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