There is immense power in gemstones used along with modern medicine and chemotherapy in Cancer disease patients. Understanding cancer and how it affects body gradually with knowledge of power of gemstones and their effects ,we can use a combination of stones for caner patients who can keep these close to their bed or wear them for experiencing benefits and improving quality of life. Reiki energy also heals most karmic blocks and reasons why the disease has emerged in patients with cancer.
Rose Quartz Ball
Cancer is leading cause of death worldwide and why it is increasing? due to unhealthy lifestyles, bad eating habits and radiations coming from latest phones and technology that has taken over our lives. Sunlight which is most essential is not on the list, free oxygen rich locations are never on family trip lists, gemstones are worn just for status symbol and never gone deep into understanding their energy and to use them for healing benefits.
With being a Reiki healing artist since year 2000 making symbol art, striving with combinations of symbols ,colours, codes, sigils and so much more gemstones are my passion and I have so much interest in understanding their effects and thus coming up with some gemstones that can benefit.
These gemstones or my healing art are not a replacement to modern medicine for cancer. They are always used along with combinations and will surely show you immense benefits.
There needs to come a deep karmic understanding of emergence of Cancer disease in a soul. Gemstones do bring in protection energy from negativity, makes a shield around your body, when worn near body part touching it , they bring soothing healing rays that show you changes for faster relief. There are an estimated 18.1 million cancer cases around the world in 2020. 9.3 million cases in men and 8.8 million in women(Google).
Emotional issues and self esteem issues, anxiety, manic attacks, aches and emotional problems are effectively healed with assistance of rose quartz. I have experienced so much from the beautiful Rose Quartz and it is a stone for everyone and will assist in almost everything in life, especially heart issues, soul purpose, developing self acceptance, compassion, reduces anger, brings confidence, opens heart to give and receive love.
The post today is dedicated to the most important person in my life whom we lost recently due to breast cancer. Awareness is lacking ,so also treatment options as well as how to effectively use combinations of therapies to improve quality of life, evidence and awareness still lacks.. many cancer warriors continue to struggle , hope there is more awareness and acceptance for the Cancer disease world wide and thus also prevention of spread in future generations.
Cancers are of different types and affecting various body parts. World wide most prevalent cancers are breast cancer, lung cancer and prostate cancer. I am not a medical practitioner or qualified person in medical field, my perspective is from healing point and Reiki, Universe lessons, karmic soul journey purpose, lessons the Universe wishes to teach us.
The basic seven chakras need to be unblocked and harmonized for bringing health in any disease. People will be tempted to choose all stones in finger rings, or necklace of all coloured gemstones, but I would advice, do not do this. That will bring in diluted energy and in cancer, being such a powerful disease we need focused energy in high doses. Mild energy stones will not give you results.
Combination customized necklace of gemtones
For the karmic journey soul purpose have rose quartz stone heart pendant , wear it in a silver chain and see that the heart falls in between body area of two breasts. You have to wear it touching your body and not outside over the dress material. the stone has to touch your body. please choose good quality stone from reputed gemstone dealer for seeing fast results. For most cancers this is effective. prostate cancer patients can wear necklace with beads of rose quartz. Place the rose quartz pyramid near bed and keep connecting communicating with the stone, you love it and see how much love you will get back in return, try it, it works. Balls, globes, square shape, is also good. Avoid buying any gemstone towers for healing purposes for cancer patients. Towers, arrows, pointed shapes bring energy upwards and is not considered good in healing diseases. Put some air purifying plants in room of the cancer patient but avoid accumulation of dust over plants and also care that there are no plant disease pests fungus mites, otherwise you will bring in illness instead of helping the patient! Inspiring Reiki paintings help heal and soothe cancer infused with positive uplifting energy. (check my post about how Reiki helps in Cancer patient's and which symbols, colours, sigils are used).
Only buy that rose quartz which you personally touch, see, and feel attracted to and are comfortable with. You can have rose quartz stone pyramid placed near your bedside. Take the stone frequently and give it love, touch it, spread its energy over affected body parts, affirm, intentions are important, regularity is important. Do not just buy it and keep it in cupboard and expect it to work for you. I am such a loving fan of rose quartz, I would wear it all over my body!!absolute love, rose quartz!
Most diseases especially cancer are connected to heart and we must choose green coloured gemstone. Emerald, Peridot, Jade Jadeite. Malachite, Sunstone, Zoisite, Zircon, Chrome Tourmaline, choose the colour shade and hue that you love. Muddy stones with broken lines are not advisable. Choose sparkling or clear stone in green colour that connects to your heart and you love it. Rarest gemtone of green colour is Tsavorite, forest green colour. Chlorite rock is greenish in colour. Peridots are affordable and light greenish stones. Turquoise stone also comes in green.
Bloodstone- the name brings red in your mind, no, it is green with specks of red. It is a symbol of bravery and warriors.
Amethyst is ruling with strong protection energies. Place the amethyst in any form near bedside of Cancer patient. Rock form, raw amethyst is best. The stone not only heals your body but also the environment. I wish every home has large pieces of amethysts!
Geodes | Amethyst Geode Gemtone rock
Blue Sapphire , Neelam, also soothes the soul and throat chakra and is helpful in mouth oral cancers.
Topaz in orange colour used to bring energy to sexual chakra and stomach chakra, sacral and swadisthan, Manipura. Use it with combinations for effective result.
Shield of protection comes from Red Rubies. Be careful to choose very small size ruby. Less of red colour around cancer patients. Ruby is fire and strong energy. In Cancer cells are affected. Viruses affect body cells and make home in the host body. With healing intentions and requesting the viruses to leave your body and thanking them for giving the lessons of life, they exit gradually.
White is very soothing to mind body spirit. Opal, pearl always bring peace. Wear it for few hours only daily for bringing acceptance and peace.
Black opal or onyx , black obsidian, is also powerful, use it sparingly in very small size. Do not wear it over body of cancer patients. Can be placed in drawer or near bedside.
Rose Quartz Pyramids small size |
Choosing gemtones we have to take a short history of Cancer patients and understand why cancer has come up in their life. Breast cancer is mostly related to motherhood and relationships with mother or children and supplying basic energy/nourishment to soul. Sexual relationships concepts and beliefs also affect body parts and karmic lessons erupt as disease in body. This brings clarity as to which type of energy is required for specific patient and thus they can be guided for selecting gemstones and how to sue them for alleviating pain, bringing self acceptance and improving quality of life.
Hoping and Praying that there is more awareness in the world about latest treatments for cancer, and cancer research progresses globally, thus reducing cancer spread in world and preventing disease spread soon and also in future generations.
Much Gratitude for reading the post, if you would like to share about cancer or have a patient or experiencing life with cancer disease, do share, or write in comments. I may not be able to promise much but can surely send free Reiki to help heal faster! The Universe wants us to be happy, there is no disease, no pain from her, only love and pure joy. If you experience pain... it is mostly all our doing, which we can heal! With Gratitude Love Reiki and some judicial use of therapies and of course gemstones!
Many Blessings from Rizwana!
I do not sell gemstones, this is my love and passion. I am a Reiki healing artist since year 2000, making original healing paintings @ Razarts.