Black Gemstone Tortoise Shaped Pendant |
Black stone, Jasper, Agate, onyx, Black diamond, Black pearl, Black Opal, Black Obsidian, and many shiny black stones all have greats symbolic value. Cleanses negative energies, protects from evil eye, and increases confidence.
People in field of communication and dealing with decision making can benefit immensely from black colored gemstones The color black is healing and absorbs all that is imperfect. When we paint the strongest color is black and it covers all flaws and other colors. Black gemstones are beautiful and shine in light. The Black gemstoens found with opaque surfaces reflect the images and they are found to be soothing.
Usually used by healers as protective shell, the stone helps to keep one grounded to earth energy. Healers are also known to use this and benefit from black gemstones, connect with their spirit guides and spirits through this black stone. The Black Obsidian stone helps to clear off the negative energies from you day to day life and especially for healers who tend to attract all the negativity of the healee. Angers, frustration, fear, and hate that lingers around reflects black from the shiny surfaces of the black gemstones.
Turtle and Tortoise shaped jewelry in black gemstone is used of the same purposes. The wearer chooses the black stone Turtle shaped ring or pendant for protection and luck. People who have low confidence, feelings of fear, insecurities and tend to attract negativity from others benefit greatly by the healing energies of black colored gemstones.
If you choose this black stone, just take care to wear it for few months only and then give it some rest. too much exposure to black gemstones and black stone jewelry tend to make people aloof, over confident and maybe lonely.
Wearing Turtle shaped finger rings with black gemstones avoid wearing this in little finger. From booth hand left is preferred. If you choose a Tortoise shaped Black gemstone pendant do not wear it continuously for many months. You can alternate with other gemstones.
But its a beautiful stone and I love it, Still on my wish list I have yet to connect with one, I do have a dark blue , a beautiful sparkling ultramarine blue that looks almost black but is not black, and glitters in sunshine!
All the Best from Rizwana!