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Manifestation wish Fulfillment stone! How to Use Clear Quartz stone correctly for goal achievement

what if you had the manifestation magic stone that would fulfill all your wishes? you do have it easily available, very affordable and mystical is the clear quartz raw gemstone. If you are unable to manifest your wishes however much you try read this life changing post of today~! Buy genuine quartz because you can be sold cheap glass and you would not know the difference! Visiting the Ajanta Ellora caves a short trip took me to my passion of gemstones and I added so many as usual following my love for gemstones. raw stones are so fascinating with pure energy. 

Mystical Quartz and Amethyst raw rock stone

 Raw rock stones found in mountains are power packed with tons of mountain earth heavenly energies. Charged from the strongest element the energy is amazing! Sharing in this  informative post that will work wonders to your life,  a magical clear quartz stone healing properties and how you can correctly use this stone for any wishes.

Read on- Benefits of Amethyst February Birthstone

 be careful while buying jewellery from tourist spots!

Is your clear quartz real? touch it, you will feel. It is cooler and will bring a cooling energy towards you. Glass will not give you that feel. You have to be careful in buying because this is often mistaken as glass. 

Buy @Razarts Wish fulfillment Reiki paintings with specific intentions. 

Meditating among the caves of Ajanta was a mystical experience. raw stones have amplified energy as compared to polished and jewelry embedded stones. Natural gemstones found among the mountain rocks look so heavenly and amazing with their raw energy. 

Mediating for peace and blessings in one of the Ajanta caves

Magical wish fulfillment raw rock stone 
Clear quartz amplifies energy of any intentions. Assists in clarity focus and goal specific achievements. Helps to bring in harmony and balance among energy of chakras. Promotes good memory and concentration on tasks. Amplifies psychic abilities and enhances energy manifestations. 

Amplify psychic abilities Reiki healing paintings for sale.

Also a good healer it aids in good health and attracting best healthy lifestyle habits. The quartz stone naturally will form a protective shield for you if your intend this and keep it close with love. Very powerful is this gemstone rock as it will super charge your wishes amplify and take it straight to the universe! More so needed now the clear quartz removes' negativity from environment, radiations, electro magnetic smog, it harmonizes spiritual, mental, physical and emotional planes. 

Painting Golden sands- Inspired by my love for gemstones and colored rocks!

The clear quartz stone is linked to the crown chakra. the sahasrara, a thousand petalled lotus. mindfulness. Being in the moment and using the energy for your benefit instead of wasting it on unnecessary thoughts. You will always be bombard with thousands of thoughts at every second and your brain has to keep choosing. be mindful of your thoughts and achieve all that your heart desires. Mindfulness intentions specific Reiki sigil paintings for sale.

The quartz stone also works wonders for you skin health and you will notice reduction in lines, wrinkles and spots attracting beautiful healthy skin. We do not want a white skin, we want a healthy skin! Buy reiki sigil art for beauty and glowing skin.  Master healer the clear quartz brings your inner confidence and you suddenly feel as if your wings have opened. 

Ritual for cleaning your clear quartz- actually the quartz is such a beautiful stone that it repels negativity by itself. There is no specific need for any cleansing rituals. The stone can be cleaned with pure water and it is not necessary to give sunlight. in fact raw stones should be kept protected form environmental hazards and abrasive surfaces. they will start to chip. Unless of course if you see someone else who is strongly negative touches it, then clean it in flowing water. 

Short Reiki healing arts meditation video for clearing foggy thoughts YouTube channel the Red Pilgrim.

Manifesting stone magic tips-

1) what do you want from your life? usually people at first say wealth money cash. Agreed money can buy you all the keys to happiness but trust me alongside health and family friends will be the most important because you need people to enjoy your life's some one to share your sadness's and joys with. Your achievements will feel empty once you hit your targets unless you can share and enjoy the successes with someone. Get this step clear first. It is good to write down list your priorities for good results.

Attract Joyful healthy life and Family blessings with my original Reiki paintings

2) Clarity is most important. One day you wish for something and next day you have another will confuse you, the quartz energy as well as the universe. 

3) Be Specific with wishes. if you want wealth how much? state a reasonable figure. Quote a monthly income or incoming wealth of $ amount or whatever your currency is. 

4) Do not ask or struggle for results. Let the Universe decide what is good for you.

5) Take whatever the universe sends with humble gratitude! more will follow! Once I found a coin dropped, I keep finding magic money, even on our Europe tour it was magic to find coins (of course you cant pick up coins from anywhere, but just the thought brings so much joy when you see coins!)  and I have this habit of feeling the Universe sends this, it is magical energy of dropped coins even from your family's or while they are putting money in wallet or maybe family member is dressing. The single coin or many coins is a message from the universe about wealth coming your way. You may receive a bonus, a concession and discount and that is magic money. 

6) The manifesting quartz stone is clear and clean slate. Add your wishes! be connected with your stones and rocks they give you immense love manifolds! It is ok to express pure love, touch them with lots of love, kiss them always before wearing and removing, thank them,  and see their magic!

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All Photographs, and Content are My Original Copyright Reserved © 2000-2022Rizwana A.MundewadiDO NOT COPY FOR FEAR OF KARMA

Thank you for coming by Rizwana's Google Blog Obsessed Over Stones!

Rizwana Mundewadi Wishing You All The Best! 

I do not sell gemstones this is my love and passion. I am a symbolist painter, healing artist since year 2000 selling original art to spread health wealth and Joy with world through my Reiki symbol healing paintings! Buy Reiki paintings for health wealth and joy.

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