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Pink Stones of Love Rose Quartz and Pink Crystals Symbolism Valentine Day Stone of Hearts

 Pink stones are the stones connecting directly to heart chakra and have beautiful energy of healing. My favourite stone that has given me immense love! I love it so much and it loves me back manifolds!  Valentine's day stone, pink stones rule this occasion with its immense symbolism. When worn near the heart it helps to soothe stress and controls the emotions, and in cases of mental disorders, emotionally unstable people and irritable or people having lots of fire energy who get angry very fast can be helped by wearing this ebautiful stone or keeping this near their body.

Rose Quartz Pyramid

Pink Rose Quartz stone

Rose Quartz ball

Want to share love and healing,here is the best stone. Rose Quartz. Pink crystals are another form of beautiful energy that gives out love waves and helps the person to be more peaceful and stable. Especially in today's life of electronic exposure when the digital harmful ultra violet rays are so strong as we are surrounded with gadgets this beautiful stone is a must to help balance ones energy and make the body more peaceful and your aura more stable.

. Pink colored stones have always been loved for their love energy and the symbolism they have to  develop love and compassion. In healing the rose quartz tops the list as it has the energy to dissolve negative energies, helps one to relax, soothes stress and also helps to overcome irrational fears and disillusions. 

The pink stone Rose quartz  is also a great skin lightener and helps to lighten the color of your skin so for all those in search of fairer skin this is the stone. It helps remove and lighten scars and burn or disease marks on skin. It brings a soft glow to your face that is externally visible. 

In health problems of the heart, emotional problems, and chronic ailments the rose quartz helps one to accept and come over the issues of the heart and live a more successful and good quality of life. Rose quartz stone is worn as pendants, finger rings, bracelets or in simple forms of shapes like pyramid, tower, band or rock form which is displayed near the bed or on the work table to dissolve negativity and make the environment pure and peaceful.

In case you do not wish to wear the Rose quartz stone in jewellery form keep it in form of cylindrical shape, ball, pyramid or wand near your bed so that you can touch to when you get up firth thing and again while going to bed. You will see the difference in your health, body, behaviour within a few days, I love this beautiful Rose quartz stone of  love and healing,especially the soft baby pink color, and also the opaqueness is great, a world of happiness in this stone.

Pink colour Crystals are more vibrant and sparkling than the rose quartz stone,  that look great in jewellery, except that they can be only worn with specific outfits that are white or pink or light colored.Pink represents love and in feng shui is the color used to attract marital happiness and marital luck. So the best place to keep this stone is near your bed in the bedroom. It soothes strained relationships and love grows. It is also a good stone to attract the true love of your life.

The pink colored Rose quartz  stone has more soothing feminine energy and is cool stone and usually when men are needed to keep/wear this stones in case of irritability, anger and violent attacks, mood disorders the stone can be balanced with an yang energy stone for few days to keep the energy harmonious.  as women have more feminine energy yin and men have the high level of yang energy, aggressive women also benefit from this stone. 

Both men and women can benefit with the stone and the energy is never harmful as it always soothes and relaxes the mind and heart. It brings more love, compassion, understanding and peace to the wearer. 

People who are always irritable and angry have personal issues of the heart that have not come up and this is a great stone to bring them to acceptance of facts and develop Karuna , love and compassion. You will find a well adjusted individual  who will naturally attract love from family and friends.

The best way to use the Rose quartz pink colored stone is that it touches your body and is near the heart chakra. In pendant or necklace form the stone is best, as it heals the heart chakra and develops more love and compassion.The centre part of your body, the heart chakra sends vibrations to all the other body parts and is essential for overall growth and happiness.

Bracelets are another common jewellery you will find this stone as in beads of rose quartz. Finger rings look great with a huge rose quartz, and since years a big ball of Rose Quartz was on my wish list, fulfilled!

Much Gratitude and Many Blessings!

All the Best from Rizwana!

I do not sell gemstones, this is my passion, I am a professional Reiki healing artists since year 2000 making original healing art. @Razarts.

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