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How to Choose Navratna Tortoise Finger Ring- 8 Important tips Navratna Tortoise Finger Ring symbolism

Many gemstones Tortoise Finger Ring
Navratna, means nine stones. Nine gemstones. Astrologers believe this is the strongest power in combination. Navratna-nine gemstones studded in one finger ring, tortoise finger ring has immense symbolic significance in many cultures and especially Hinduism, Buddhism,  religions.
Sanskrit word, navratna, simply means nine stones.
Some of my Besties!

Navratna symbolize great power, good luck and properties of all nine different colored stones, a package or bundle of good luck.
Which are the Nine gemstones used? 
Nine stones, navratna are different colored gemstones and usually they are Ruby, Pearl, Red Coral, Emerald, Yellow Sapphire, Diamond, blue sapphire, Hessonite, cat's eye.
Symbolism and properties of each Gemstone-
Ruby, Manikya  represents the sun energy and is placed in centre of the design. And all stones surround this. It is believed to improve health, vitality, vigor and also improves blood circulation. Also improves eye sight and brings in intuitive energies foresight for life goals. Best put up this Gemstone helps to improve the status and image of the person wearing it with respect and love.
The navratana are believed to protect from evil eye, negative energies and attract good luck, wealth and  abundance.
Pearl- It enhances the energy of moon. Charming, softness, steady mind, love, family joy. People who are depressed and indecisive are advised to wear pearl.
 Art for heart healing. making peace with themselves and managing mood swings. It also brings beauty to the wearer. Heal your heart to remove abundance blocks You Tube video Reiki healing arts meditation
Red Coral-Symbol of Royalty,energy for success.  Believed to overcome obstacles, attract good health, wealth, brings relief from debt, and protects from black magic and evil eye. what happens with buri nazar evil eye watch this video.
Beautiful energy coral necklace I purchased from jaipur

Emerald-very beautiful energy, improves speech and brings clarity in communication skills. Mentioned in Vedas as Vaani Karaka significator of speech.A gemstone for progress and also academic grades improvement. In Feng Shuii it is believed to bring in wealth luck and success growth. Wear it in your little finger and see the miraculous effects!
Yellow Saphire,Pukhraj, Pushkaraj- protects wearer from anger, accidents and mood swings. The stone for the solar plexus, brings in sexual harmony and  heals stomach ailments. Beautiful stone for gut strength
Diamond/Heera-Such a strong stone. Sexual energy, stamina, inner strength, will. Beauty, grace and good name.
Video Reiki arts meditation Healthy sexual relationship with partner
Blue Sapphire-Improves concentration and brings clarity in life. focus to life goals and soul path. The stone of the Third eye chakra activation. 
Protects from evil eyes and jealousy coming from others.
Hessonite/Gomed/Gomedak- protect from evil eye, negative energies. Good stone to remove embedded karmic energy blocks, deep rooted anxieties, and heals emotions and relives stress. God to remove negative time spells or bura time doshas.
Cat's Eye- strengthens physical and mental weakness. A Guardian stone, it protects the wearer from many diseases of body and mind. Used usually to nullify negative energy effects.  
How to Choose Navratna Tortoise Finger Ring-8 Important tips
1) Check for authentic stones, glass beads will not show you results.
2) Check for purity,, flawless sparkling gemstones are best. Cracked, muddy gemstones in Navratna Tortoise Finger ring attract confused energy.
3) Check the alignment and same sizes of all Navratna stones to benefit from energy of every stone. If you want everything in life to go in harmony choose same size gemstones. 
4) Purify the finger ring after purchasing, put intentions and then wear it, avoid beginning to wear it from Saturday.
5) Gifting or receiving of Navratna Tortoise finger rings , check the energy. Only wear it if you are comfortable with this.
6) Always accept the universal energy, sometimes stones don't accept us or work for us, so discontinue the use of these cures. And sometimes unusual stones attract  you and work for you! go with your gut!
7) Things can go seriously wrong with some stones, or combination stones and for each one of us, Stop wearing this if not for you.
8) Sometimes combination stones, can bring confusing energy especially if your sun sign is strong or weak. Or your birth stone is a moon stone that is aggravated by sun energy stones.
In some cases brings confusion, increases expenses, also may bring in ill health.
Facing a life question? Reiki healing arts meditation video for finding answers to your situations or problems
The Navratna gemstone finger ring and that too in Tortoise shape is a great symbol of complete good luck, A powerful cure for prosperity, when worn in proper finger on proper time and if it works for you, well it  shows miraculous changes!
Unusual Stones/photo Credit Google

Obsessed Over Stones
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Hope this post has been of value to you, thanks for reading and your time! do share your experiences and if you have any doubts comment! its worth it!

Much Love Light Peace Joy from Rizwana!

Professional Reiki healing artist India

I do not sell gemstones this is my love and passion. I am a symbolist painter, healing artist since year 2000 selling original art to spread health wealth and Joy with world through my Reiki symbol healing paintings!  Reiki paintings for health wealth and joy.

 All Photographs, Paintings, and Content are My Original Copyright Reserved ©  Rizwana A.MundewadiDO NOT COPY FOR FEAR OF KARMA


  1. Thank You for Such a Details Guidance on Choosing the Ring and Your Tips.

    Amit lamba
    Amit lamba

  2. Thanks a lot Amit Lamba! All the Best from Rizwana!

  3. Thank u to write in so much detail.. helped me alot.. love u.. keep writing!


    1. Oh my thanks a lot Gayatri! Happy that it helped! God Bless and Have an Awesum Day from Rizwana!

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  5. I find this information about Navratna rings fascinating.


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