Gemstones and crystals sparkling as we add them but over few years we see the sparkle dull and stones cease to show results like before. Sometimes you may even start feeling very low energy and life blocks even when you have your birth stone finger ring or pendant made customized according to your astrologers calculations. How to cleanse your crystals and gemstones at home and recharge them again? here in this post you will find easy home made cleansing processes to again bring back the magic of your gemstones. First principle-don't forget to love your stones, remember they will love you back manifolds!
The post came up with a query of what to do with old gemstone finger rings that are not giving joy? How to clean the gemstones maang tikka from negative energy glances hair toppers and hair oils? do not replace them immediately, because at times so much luck and wealth seems to be flowing unknowingly by the love of a stone and you may get bored by the jewelry and replace or exchange it with a time of unlucky life phase. And once the phase begins it is difficult to again come to the harmonious level of flow with a new gemstone.
My personal experience is also that I never give them away. Last month I checked upon them and suddenly communicated with an old finger ring stone and suddenly I felt so much love as if it had missed me a lot. The ring had not been worn for years but I touched it, wore it and it gave out such happy vibes. i have understood that they miss us. So the habit of time and again checking upon your gemstones and at least touching them, cleaning, wearing for few minutes is very soothing to us and them also. Remember for them to work for you have to keep the contact and flow of energy exchange on.
Cleansing of stones is necessary for many reasons. Firstly they take the vibes of people and places. The people who glance at the stones ,appreciate, touch, envy, become jealous of your stones, or maybe put and evil eye upon you, argue in front of the stone, fight quarrel, and you get involved in energy also does your stone take all the blows.
There are also physical blows like accidentally brushing against sharp walls or objects, while you drive, or take flight you may accidentally brush against the metal door or seat. Just about any contact with the stone of any person or foreign object -it will feel. It may chip, crack, or even break with strong negative energy.
Hence cleansing purifying of stones is very important. Nine ways to cleanse your stones-
1) Easiest is flowing running tap water. Immediately possible also. if you felt the negativity wash the stone under running tap water. of course it must not be hard water or contaminated water. Wipe it with a tissue or soft cloth.
2) Sound healing is a special type of cleansing process for activated and purifying stones. You may put up music instrumental healing sounds Reiki music for healing the stone and cleansing it. The calming Buddhist bowls are great way to activate your stones using sound waves therapy.
3) Some times using sea salt is also beneficial but check upon the basic stones as many will not take this treatment well. Process is take a ceramic bowl preferably of cream colour and put sea salt in it. for 55 seconds put the stone in that bowl of salt. Then remove wash with clear water and dry it with soft muslin cloth.
4) Ocean water, that has loads of energy, take some in a bottle and use a ceramic bowl of ocean water ,dip the stone in it for cleansing the negative energy.
5) Sage, incense and smoke is another process to cleanse your stones which is effective and works wonders with purification of your gemstones. Agarbattis and herbs can be smoked and the fumes help purify your stones. This is also helpful for any negative space clearing.
6) Kyanite or selenite stones also can be used to cleanse your stones. Some stones have healing power and they heal other stones too. I keep my rose quartz to bring love to other stones too and it is like a supportive agent to keep the energy active. Sometimes I feel it acts like a leader of all other rings and jewellery and as if in command, but the stone has from time to time taken many blows that were intended upon me and I do continue to love it because of its immense blessings and love to my heart and soul.
7) Earth is also a beautiful energizer. You can bury your stones in soil , or a healthy potted plant for few hours or few days depending upon the negativity it may have got attached with. For that time do not water the plant and let the stone take in as much earth energy as possible and you will see after removing the stone wiping it or washing it with water there will be a fresh energy and sparkle.
8) Flowers have immense symbolism and with their fragrance and pure energy they have been sued in rituals and home decorations since ages. these fragrant flowers can be used to cleanse your crystals and gemstones too. Fresh fragrant roses, jasmine, mogra, champa frangipani, marigold, chrysanthemum's, you can choose any single flower or a combination in a ceramic bowl. Choose white beige or cream coloured bowl for purification processes. Avoid transparent glass bowls. Avoid red coloured bowls for this process. Keep the gemstones or rings and cover with fresh flowers. Keep them for nine hours and nine minutes. Avoid using the flower ritual at nights. choose early morning time so that you finish the process of cleansing stones before moon rise.
9) Most important part now. Your intentions. You feel at any time the stone ahs got negativity or any negative glances or negative episodes happened to you immediately talk to your stone and feed it with positive love and intentions as a friend. trust me, the stone will understand and support you with your life journey and experiences time and again.
sharing one of an very old Islamic calligraphy engraved on stone pendant piece |
my very small collection stones are from places and few handed over. I buy stones and rocks also from road side ,only that which connects with me!Query-
what to do when they stop giving joy. Why? find out why? are you avoiding wearing them, are they uncomfortable, or do you feel uneasy as you wear them and then you remove them immediately. Sharing here my personal experience- I had this piece I would always think of wearing that neck piece for next function but alwsy after wearing I felt stifled and choked. So I exchanged it after few years with a newer piece, of course after thanking the jewelry piece for giving me life lessons of comfort and energy harmony. I had to also give up on chandelier earrings that were way too heavy and didn't give me peace or joy. Don't take the easy way of exchange first. find the reason for the uncomfortable feelings. Once I had the pendant removed from the jewelry neckpiece and the chain was so joyful, and luckily the pendant felt comfortable with a simple chain so this way it brought me joy and I got two different pieces of neck jewelry!
Is the material rough, is the stone sharp at edges, get it repaired and smoothed by a jeweler. does it have cracks inside or it is muddy., then it is advisable to thank the stone and move on. I had seen a stone which actually had cracks similar to a sword. The piercing energy will always keep affecting you as you glance at it at any time. Better to exchange it.
Maang tikka usually gets a lot of negative energy accumulated. The smell of hair products oils and pins piecing it while applying it over hair toppers and hair extensions. is so important I find it is so many designs and latest trends. the issue comes with using of hair toppers, hair products used for decorating and setting hair for functions, you forget he life of your stone can get reduced by use of such products. Try to fix the hair style first before applying the maang tikka.
First glance goes to the maang tikka and it takes away the evil eye glances and negative energy coming towards you. The excusite maang tikka also covers and hides bald patches on the head beautifully hence it has become one of the most important piece of jewellery nowadays. Central bald patches in divided hair portions, maang are covered easily with wearing a maang tikka jewelry piece. It has the tendency to fall off also if a strong energy force directed towards it and you. I had a little one which was delicate but it would fall off and many times also turn face and people would tell me of this. Then I would feel embarrassed as to why this piece is behaving like that, I would wonder why, now I have understood the energy effects on any piece of jewelry. and yes, I have that maang tikka with me over the many years. It has dulled a bit but still lovely.
This maang tikka, handed over, is like more than seventy years old piece |
It is advisable to cleanse the maang tikka after every function, maybe clear water and wiped with soft cloth. Why necessary? because the maang tikka is worn in the central portion of the hair and it falls exactly over the third eye chakra. Any accumulated negative energy or dust clogging of energy in this jewelry piece will have a direct influence on your thoughts and third eye chakra. What will happen? after wearing the tikka you will find your brain foggy and thoughts will not be clear. you may trip and fall frequently. So if you have the habit of falling, going off balance suddenly or tripping in functions check your maang tikka energy. (of course after your long gowns and your heels)
Cleaning and purifying your stones- You have to keep the process active within few months or depending upon your usage of the stones. Usually all the above mentioned methods together can be used for purifying your gemstones jewellery. DO NOT CLEANSE ALL STONES IN ONE BOWL. They do accumulate negative energy, it is not physical dust or oil, it is energy which is invisible to the naked eye. If you continuously wear a finger rings or pendant of particular gemstone that in three months at least cleanse the stone , give it some early sun rays, burn some incense and smoke purify it, PUT INTENTION and see the magic unfold!!! Keep your gemstones happy and they will love you back manifolds!!
All the Best from Rizwana!
share your experiences in the comments or any issues you might have faced with working upon the energy of your stones.