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Save Your Marriage from breakup powerful gemstones! strong marital relationship cure! which stone for understanding partner?

 Save Your Marriage from breakup with these gemstones!! Powerful marital luck relationship saver! which stone for understanding partner?Sharing powerful stone, the right placement, sacred numbers, free powered Reiki energy video ,  which can be written on left hand to save even the worst cases of failed marriage. Try it, Do comment and accept the reiki. the most challenging today with people hooked over mobile phones is relationships are severely affected. Working couples are stressed busy with high work pressures for achieving targets and most times even with love and every thing compatible marriages come on verge of divorce. 

It can be mentioned that finances, education, qualification, space for each other, giving attention and relaxing family energy by trips and holidays is a must to keep the bond of love between couples but yet if ego negativity, family member interferences, especially mother in law-daughter in law tussles, father in law ego clashes, daughter in law indifference,   also do play a role in any marriage. 

Powerful Gemstones to save any challenging marriage!

Here we open up positive intentions to save the relationship when both sides are in love and have the strong inclination to save their relationship and work upon this. The Universe has  a magical way to bring workable solutions if you search for it. I always say-those the Universe chooses find me!

Green Emerald stone finger rings

place two rose quartz pyramids or balls in south west of your bedroom
Read about-manifestation wish fulfillment stone and how to use this?
How many gemstones to wear together at a time?
Powerful Reiki Floral Roses Love painting

choose ruby stones pair of finger rings

Emerald stones are really powerful for any wish fulfillment. Amethyst will bring protection to any form of negativity in any space.

Powerful Amethysts for negativity clearance and manifestation

 I will never get tired of boasting with loads of love about the powerful effects of rose quartz, this one is enough for anything and everything if you use it correctly with pure intentions. 

How to use pink stones effectively read here

Remember the trick for any successful usage of gemstones for binding relationships is the correct shape and number. If you use this in triple it will be confusing energy. Always in pair and never less or more! 

Crystals also benefit if hung in south west of your home bringing peace understanding in all family members  and relationships to ease out energy tussles between the couple. 

Place correctly read carefully these tips-

rose quartz near bedside of both partners. 

Reiki free video for bonding any relationship-save your marriage. No ego negativity misunderstanding will break this relationship-very powerful youtube channel The Red Pilgrim reiki. 

Amethysts at entrance or bedroom or living room prosperity sector.

Two clear crystals in south west of living room. 

Clear crystals are very powerful 

At the main entrance of your home hang a evil eye cure blue stone or artwork. 

Evil eye cure Reiki feng shui painting for sale

feng shui evil eye cure

In the living room south west put soothing soft pastel colour for wall and avoid any sharp furniture, broken pieces or chipped objects. 

The Reiki symbol Cho Ku rei can be used to amplify energy of any wish with love and respect.

Two Cho Ku rei's only I use and no other artist or healer has been using this type of energy, of course now they may have started by following my art since year 2000.  There are amazing Reiki energy paintings especially for healing love relationships and bringing partner affection and caring compassionate supportive energy. available on my website Razarts.

Sacred Angelic numbers codes can be written with positive intentions on left hand of your body hidden from view to others.

wife can write on left hand or body part

541 for making strong relationship with husband




these numbers to gain love respect from husband.

741 number attracts impossible becomes possible-save your marriage with the angel number.

777 for miracles

The feng shui information along with specific gemstones used can amplify energy and heal any lacks in your life especially healthy relationships. Give them some love, your gemstones are miraculous, they give back love manifolds!!

Hope this post has been of value to you. Do comment for any advice or guidance in comments below.

Thank you so much!

All the Best from Rizwana!

I do not sell gemstones, I am a Reiki artists since year 2000 selling original hand made artworks with positive energies for life luck activation The Red Pilgrim's Soulperk art.

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